Covid Stayaway has 1.5 million users. Obligation surprised INESC TEC – Coronavirus


Stayaway Covid currently has 1.5 million users, according to the latest survey conducted by the Institute of Engineering, Technology and Science of Systems and Computing (INESC TEC), to the entities that created and developed it. Approximately a month has passed since the application went on the market and this Wednesday the President of the Government, António Costa, announced that the Government intends to make it mandatory in a series of circumstances: work, school, academic, in the armed forces. and security and public administration.

The announcement was made at the conference that followed today’s Council of Ministers meeting, in which the Government decided that the country will enter a state of calamity starting tomorrow and following the increase in the number of diagnosed Covid cases. .

The announcement caught INESC TEC managers off guard, who had not been consulted previously, according to Business Rui Oliveira, the app’s project coordinator. “We were surprised, but it is a political decision that does not correspond to us,” says the Business Manager.

It remains to be seen how the intention of this Government will be realized, and it is certain that António Costa had already asked the Portuguese several times to install the application, arguing that it is really a “civic duty”.

The measure is included in the same package that provides for the mandatory mask on public roads and António Costa explained that the Government will send a bill in this regard to the Assembly of the Republic. The proposal will be urgent and will continue today or tomorrow, the prime minister guaranteed.
