Express | There is already a proposed law: fines of up to € 500 for those who do not install an application


If Parliament approves the proposal that the Government has just handed over to the deputies, anyone over the age of ten who does not have a mask on the street when there is no physical distance, as well as anyone who does not install the Stayaway Covid application in the contexts defined by the Executive, you will have to pay a fine that ranges between 100 and 500 euros.

The Government bill, to which Expresso had access, establishes, as António Costa had advanced after the Council of Ministers this Wednesday, the obligation to wear a mask (or visor) on the street and in public spaces when it is not possible. comply with the social distance rules defined by the health authorities. The rule will apply to all people – and children – over the age of ten, except if they have a disability or illness that does not “fit” with the use of the mask. or if it is incompatible with the “nature of the activities carried out”.

On the other hand, if the proposal is approved, the installation of the Stayaway Covid will become mandatory, the request for screening for the disease that for now is voluntary, in “work or equivalent, school and academic” contexts, for all those than having a mobile phone that “allows” it. Public service workers, civil servants and agents of the Public Administration, including the state, regional and local business sector, professionals of the Armed Forces and the Armed Forces, will be “especially” protected by the norm, as read in the text.

It will also be mandatory to insert the generated code so that whoever tests positive can indicate it even in the application, an option that until now has been at the discretion of each user.

The punishment for those who do not respect these norms is already defined: the proposal refers to the decree-law that defines the patterns of the state of calamity, in which the country will enter again at midnight this Thursday, thus establishing that the fine may pass from 100 to 500 euros for those who fail to comply with the new regulations.

The Prime Minister announced the new measures on the same day that Portugal crossed the barrier of two thousand cases a day (there were 2,072), a figure it had never reached. For this reason, the Government has decided to declare a state of calamity and impose a series of regulations, such as the prohibition of meetings of more than five people. Despite having “strongly” recommended the use of masks in the street and the installation of the application, the Executive now needs this proposal to pass through Parliament to be legally enforceable. But, inside and outside the Assembly of the Republic, the challenge to the imposition of these rules – and especially the installation of Stayaway Covid – is already beginning to generate controversy.
