Mandatory Covid StayAway Opens “Serious Privacy Issues”


northa statement sent to several essays and published in all by the Observer, the CNPD states that “he has always fought for character voluntary application of tracking follow-up contacts “.

“Impose by law the use of the application stay away, in any context, raises serious doubts about the privacy of citizens, eliminating the possibility of choosing, if they so wish, not to cede control of their location and their movements to third parties, if these companies multinationals outside the national jurisdiction, either the state, “said the CNPD.

The entity thus reacted to today’s announcement by the Prime Minister, António Costa, that the Government will present to the Assembly of the Republic a bill requesting “an urgent procedure, so that the mandatory” use “of the application is imposed ‘stay away COVID-19“In the workplace, school and academic, in the Armed Forces and Security Forces and in the public administration as a whole,” he announced.

A CNPD is directly against this initiative, stating that “the mandatory use of this application also generates strong reservations in the plan ethical, for accentuating in particular the discrimination of citizens, since most people cannot access this type of application ”.

The organization recalled that “this application only works on very advanced models of some smartphones.”

Therefore, the Commission considers “that the application of a legislation of this nature will hardly be feasible”, underlining that “according to a report presented this week by the Council of Europe, no country out of a total of 55 countries adhering to the Convention on Protection (Convention 108), implemented with character this type of request is mandatory. “

Finally, the Commission assured that “it will surely have the opportunity to comment on the content of the proposed law in the context of parliamentary procedure.”

According to the Prime Minister, the Government will deliver this bill, which also includes the mandatory use of masks on public roads, “either today at the end of the day or tomorrow [quinta-feira] in the morning”.

The block on the left and the CDS They have already criticized this government initiative.

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