COVID-19. Meetings of up to five people and masks in the street: the eight government measures that take effect at midnight


The Prime Minister announced on Wednesday that, in response to the “serious evolution” of the pandemic in Portugal, new restrictions will be imposed. For now, the Government has decided to proceed with eight measures, although it is not ruled out that the alert level will increase again.

This is the list of everything that changes from 0:00 this Thursday:

– The whole country goes into a state of calamity, instead of the current and less serious state of contingency;

– On the street, in commercial spaces and restaurants, no more than five people can be together;

– From here (and only applies to events scheduled from now on), weddings and baptisms can only have 50 guests;

– In schools, parties and other events that are not related to classes are prohibited;

– The fines for establishments that do not comply with the regulations will be increased up to a maximum limit of ten thousand euros;

– Inspection of both establishments and individuals will be reinforced;

– The use of masks in the street will be “strongly recommended” when justified, as well as the installation of the Stayaway Covid application;

– This Wednesday an “urgent” proposal will be presented to Parliament to make the use of a mask mandatory in the street, as well as the installation of the application “in work, school and academic contexts, in the armed forces and security and public administration” .
