17-year-old boy dies early from undiagnosed myocarditis


João Pedro was 16 years old when he began to feel “shortness of breath, general fatigue, pain in the kidney area, wheezing and coughing”. After these symptoms, on November 15, 2019, the family went to the CUF Descobertas hospital where the child would die in March of this year.

Last month, Fernanda Carvalho, her mother, filed a court case against CUF Descobertas and the first two professionals who treated the teenager and did not diagnose myocarditis.

During the first visit to the pediatric emergency service, João Pedro took a chest X-ray where he was diagnosed with a “small respiratory infection,” Fernanda Carvalho tells Notícias ao Minuto.

Given the persistence of symptoms, the family returned to the hospital on November 18. That day, the young man again underwent another X-ray where a different doctor than the one who had previously seen João Pedro, detected “mild pneumonia” and sent him home again.

On November 24 the symptoms worsened and the teenager began to vomit. This time the scenario was different. The doctor who saw him realized that “something was very wrong in João Pedro’s heart”. After a complementary examination by a cardiologist called emergency, it was confirmed that the young man had myocarditis (inflammation in the muscle tissue of the heart).

This diagnosis led to João Pedro being transferred urgently to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Hospital de Santa María. Three days later, his clinical condition worsened and the young man was transferred again, this time to the pediatric ICU of the Hospital de Santa Cruz, specialized in the treatment of heart problems.

But it was not enough and, after more than 100 days of hospitalization and seven operations, the young man ended up dying: “Negligence [dos dois primeiros médicos que o atenderam, na CUF Descobertas] It made him stay for 102 days fighting, suffering, crying, ”says the mother.

On September 21, the family initiated proceedings in the Lisbon and District Judicial Court against CUF Descobertas hospital and the two doctors who treated João Pedro in his first visits to the emergency room and did not diagnose myocarditis.

An independent clinical opinion was previously requested, in which the doctor admits “the existence of a violation of leges artis Medicinae in the two hospital services provided to the victim on 11.16.2019 and 11.11.2019”.

Faced with this situation, the CUF hospital responds that the young man had a “history of bronchial asthma” and that the “cardiothoracic index” did not allow him to identify, in the first visits to the emergency room, any “cardiac pathology, in addition to the pneumonia that I had”. To this justification, CUF Descobertas adds that “there are diseases, such as heart disease in children and young people, which, unfortunately, given their severity, can have an unpredictable outcome.”
