SIC News | What’s the weather like? Temperatures drop and there is a neighborhood that drops to 4ºC


This Monday, October 12, you can count on a slightly cloudy or clear sky and sometimes with strong winds on the coast and mountains. The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA) also reports a small drop in temperature.

The northern region will register an increase in cloudiness from mid-afternoon, with the end of the day very cloudy throughout the north coast of Cabo da Roca. The wind will be moderate to strong in the highlands until mid-morning and then, in the afternoon, in the western coastal strip.

Temperatures will drop a few degrees. This Monday Bragança registers the lowest minimum temperature in the country, reaching 4ºC. Faro is the hottest district, with a minimum of 16ºC and a maximum of 26ºC.

How will the weather be until November?

At the weekly average temperature, the IPMA values ​​are below normal (-3 to 0 ° C) for the entire territory in the week from 10/12 to 10/18.

In the weeks from 10/19 to 10/25, from 10/26 to 11/1 and from 11/2 to 08/11, it is not possible to identify the existence of a statistically significant sign.
