The government creates a pain and risk subsidy for garbage workers


The Government is committed to creating a subsidy for hardship and risk for workers in the collection and treatment of urban waste that will be paid in the first half of next year, indicates a preliminary version of the State Budgets for 2021 (OE2021) to which Vivo had access.

In writing, it refers to the creation of these salary supplements, but the terms in which they will be attributed have yet to be defined. The increase in remuneration is attributed when the probability of injury or risk to the worker’s health is verified.

“The complementary compensation for pain and unhealthiness of the general career of operational assistant, in the areas of urban hygiene and sanitation of local authorities, resulting in proven functional overload that increases the probability of occurrence of injuries or a greater potential risk of degradation of the state of health, is the object of the definition of the conditions of attribution in a decree-law, whose negotiation must begin within 30 days after the entry into force of this law, and must be completed within the following 60 days, so that even in the first semester. 2021 “, the document reads that it may still have changed.

The demand has existed since the late 1990s, when the creation of this supplement was planned, but only now can it be generalized. “It is a great victory”, recognizes the general secretary of Fesap, José Abraão, in declarations to Dinheiro Vivo. The union leader assures that it is an important step, but “still insufficient”, reminding all workers of essential services, such as doctors, firefighters, gravediggers or transporting valuables.

Now, the negotiation stage is still missing to define the amount of the subsidy to be attributed to these workers and José Abraão hopes that “it can go further.” On the other hand, the union leader recalls that there are already municipalities that, of their own free will, have instituted a subsidy, as is the case of the Lisbon Chamber.

The General Labor Law in Public Functions (LGTFP) establishes that “remuneration supplements are created by law and can be regulated by a collective labor regulation instrument.”
