The Government raises the minimum limit of unemployment benefit to 505 euros – O Jornal Económico


The Government will raise the minimum limit of unemployment benefit to 505 euros next year. The proposal remained on the tables of the negotiations of the State Budget for 2021 (OE2021), -with the new social support to stimulate the debate-, and advances in the proposal that the Government will deliver this Monday in Parliament, according to the proposal . Preliminary draft of OE2021, to which the Economic Journal had access.

“Without prejudice to the limits of the amount of unemployment benefit, provided for in Decree-Law No. 220/2006, of November 3, in its current wording, in the situations in which the remuneration that served as the basis for the calculation of the unemployment benefit, at least at the national minimum wage, the unemployment benefit is increased to reach the minimum value corresponding to 1.15 of the NIC ”, says the proposal.

The minimum limit of unemployment benefits has so far been set at 439 euros, although the left wanted to raise the minimum limit in reference to the minimum wage.
