São João Hospital reactivates tents in a record day for covid cases


The Hospital de S. João reactivates the detection tents due to the increase in suspected cases. Doctors warn of the risk of SNS rupture and exhaustion.

Portugal broke the record for those infected by covid-19, registering 1,646 new cases, after having passed the 1,000 line in the last week. Never since March 2 has the pandemic registered such a high number. The Health Minister admitted that the authorities are prepared for “an extraordinarily difficult context.” But the government has no intention of closing the border with Spain, which has advanced with local lockdowns.

According to the daily bulletin of the General Health Directorate (DGS), there were 1,646 new positives, with 831 people hospitalized, another 20 in 24 hours. Five people lost their lives due to covid, which now has the highest number of infected people in the north.

This increase has already led the Hospital de S. João, in Porto, to reactivate six tents, four for adults and two for children, for advanced patient detection. JN, the source of what is the largest hospital in the North, said that the measure was due to “greater pressure on emergency services”, with the possibility of also allocating the set of containers that had been dismantled at the end of May . On Friday alone, S. João had 150 covid-19 suspects to be deceived.

Costa: “the closure is not justified”

Despite the figures, the Government assumed yesterday that the border with Spain will not be closed. “At the moment, this closure is not justified. We are in a completely different situation than in April,” explained António Costa, along with his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sánchez, at the end of the Portuguese-Spanish summit in Guarda. [ler pag. 13]. The Prime Minister defended that the strategy should bet on “the individual responsibility of each one in the way in which we maintain the rules of discipline.” But Sánchez was more emphatic: “We are not contemplating closing borders at all.”

Tiredness of the health sector

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who was in Porto to honor the professionals of the National Health Service (SNS) [ler ao lado], showed less certainty about border control. “It was very important not to close,” he said. The president took the opportunity to underline the understanding of the fatigue of the health sector and added that “the effort will be much longer and much more difficult than previously thought.” For the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, who was also in Porto, there is no risk that the response will be interrupted, taking into account that the authorities are preparing for an “extraordinarily difficult context.”

Less sure is the National Federation of Doctors (FNAM), which warns of the “risk of rupture in the NHS” and sees in the words of Feared “a justification that all abuses are allowed”. “The minister has to give conditions. She cannot remember the obligations of the professionals and forget her own. The doctors, who were overloaded before this crisis, reached a moment of exhaustion. Attention: it is not an afternoon fatigue but an “exhaustion” [esgotamento]”Noel Carrilho, FNAM leader, pointed out to JN, who denounces that” there was no reinforcement of human resources “and that doctors” are now the same or less “than in March.
