Almost a thousand new cases of covid-19 registered in the northern region


This Saturday, Portugal registered the highest number of daily cases of the new coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic: 1,649 new infections were confirmed in the last 24 hours. This figure thus exceeds that registered on April 10, when 1,516 cases of covid-19 were registered.

This is the first time since March that more than 1,000 cases have been reported daily for three days in a row: 1,278 new infections were reported on Thursday and 1,394 on Friday. Since the start of the pandemic, 85,574 people have been infected in the country.

The highest increase in cases was registered in the North region, where, in the last 24 hours, almost a thousand new cases (910) were registered, followed by the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, where 546 new infections were registered. There are still 155 more in the Center, 8 in the Algarve and 8 in the Alentejo. There are seven new cases in Madeira and two more in the Azores.

Five more deaths related to covid-19 were also confirmed in the last 24 hours: two occurred in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, two in the north and one in the Algarve. In total, 2,067 people have died infected with covid-19.

The number of hospitalizations continues to increase, since 20 more hospitalizations have been registered since yesterday, bringing the total number of hospitalized people to 831, of which 122 are in Intensive Care Units.

Instead, there are 639 more recovered since yesterday. Since the start of the pandemic, 52,803 have overcome the disease in Portugal.

There are a total of 30,704 active cases in the country and 47,602 contacts under surveillance by the health authorities.

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