″ The oldest Christian nation in the world continues to fight alone ″


Lusine Gharakhanyan, 42, a psychologist, has been the Minister of Education, Science and Culture of the Republic of Artsakh since May, the Armenian name of the enclave in Azerbaijan known as Nagorno-Karabakh (a term that was born from the Russian translation of the Azerbaijani expression “garden black “and Russian” mountainous “) and which country no one recognizes. With the bombings and power outages, communications with the outside world were complicated, but thanks to the Association of Friendship Portugal Armenia the difficulties were overcome. The conversation remains, the day a humanitarian ceasefire went into effect that Armenia and Azerbaijan quickly accused the other side of violating.

Let’s start with your Ministry. Classes were interrupted and children and mothers took refuge in Armenia. How is education guaranteed students?

I had a hard time writing the text of the order to stop the educational process. As the days go by, it becomes very difficult for me to think about the organization of education, because the enemy bombs peaceful villages every day, targeting schools and kindergartens. Some of our children and teachers are in Armenia. I would like to point out with gratitude that the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Armenia has organized the attendance process for all the children’s schools and kindergartens now in Armenia. In addition, Armenian higher education institutions have opened their doors to Artsakh students. In such harsh bombing conditions, it cannot be a question of organizing education. And there are not specialists in all disciplines in the shelters. In fact, it is a serious situation, for which the rights of some 30,000 people receiving education are being violated.

What is it like to live in Stepanakert right now? An AFP report states that the stores are closed but those who need something help each other and leave the money.

The people here are very honest. No glass was broken from closed stores to steal, nobody steals anything. They bring us food to shelter us and there is almost no need to go to the shops.

For those who live in the West this is a distant and difficult conflict to understand. What led to this recent chapter of the war?

The war unleashed for the third time is just a large-scale terrorism, during which, in addition to human casualties, objects of cultural heritage considered of civilizing value are destroyed.

What is the goal of the Artsakh government, to join Armenia?

In general, the goal of the Artsakh movement from the beginning has been and continues to be the restoration of historical justice. In other words, the reunification of Artsakh with Armenia, but the obstacles they imposed on us forced us to choose the declaration of our independence in the current situation, that is, to exclude the possibility of living under the subordination of Azerbaijan. In general, the different historical records, including foreign sources, contain enough material about the fact that Artsakh is part of Armenia. The world knows, and the facts are undeniable, that Artsakh was annexed to Azerbaijan on July 5, 1921, at the request of Turkey. We must not forget to mention the Russian-Turkish friendship-brotherhood agreement signed on March 16, 1921 in Moscow, by which Nakhichevan [exclave na Arménia] it was attached to Azerbaijan. And Turkey constantly demands that Artsakh also be handed over to Azerbaijan. In reality, these were steps towards achieving Turkey’s long-term strategic goals. Indeed, Turkey continues to strive to achieve or carry out its plans using the most convenient political situations.
