Spain regrets the “tragic death” of co-pilot Laura Salvo – Ralis


Young man died this Saturday in an accident at the Vidreiro Rally, in Marinha Grande

A death of the Spanish co-pilot Laura SalvoThis Saturday, which took place at the Vidreiro Rally, in Marinha Grande, it was classified as “a tragedy” by the Minister of Culture and Sports of Spain, which evokes its “vocation of public service”.

“What a tragedy! Law graduate, with a vocation for public service (he wanted to be a national policeman), young and great athlete. Sorry! My condolences to his family and friends. [descansa em paz]”Wrote José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, about the death of the 21-year-old.

The Royal Spanish Automobile Federation speaks of “mourning in Spanish motoring”.

“Rest in peace, dear Laura,” he writes, after sending his condolences to his family and loved ones.

“Today has been a very sad day for the world of rallying, due to the accident and death of Laura Salvo. I want to send a big hug to your family and friends,” writes Carlos Sainz, two-time world rally champion.

Pedro de La Rosa, a former Formula 1 driver, also evokes the missing co-driver: “RIP Laura Salvo, a great rally co-driver who left us today.”

The Valencia football club, the Automobile Federation of the Valencian Community, the Spanish Olympic Committee, the Princess of Asturias Rally and the RACC rally were some of the entities that evoked the death of the Valencian co-driver.

By Lusa
