Chega’s constitutional review may ″ die ″ in a few months


The constitutional review process, launched by Chega, could “die” in a few months if the two majority parties, PS and PSD, agree to “fail” all the proposals of deputy André Ventura.

Sources of the leadership of the parliamentary groups of the PS and PSD, parties on which the revision of the Constitution depends, for requiring the vote of two thirds of the deputies, admitted to Lusa that the process opens, but closes in a short time , as it happened in 2014, with all the failed proposals.

If the intentions are more definitive in the PS, there are no plans to present any review project, as a member of the bank’s management told Lusa, the PSD is still considering the matter, the calendar.

In the orange parliamentary group, the review is seen as a “major issue”, the deputies are already preparing the ‘dossier’, according to a member of the leadership of the bench, said Lusa, but nothing is decided because the matter is going through the national political commission. party and its leader, Rui Rio.

In practice, the PSD has several open scenarios: nothing to present in the now open process and to vote against Chega’s proposals, together with the PS and other parties, or to advance with their own project, in the description they make. the social deputies. Democrats listened to by Lusa.

In March, when Chega presented a draft constitutional revision, which, however, he withdrew due to the covid-19 pandemic, the PSD announced that it would deliver its proposal at the end of the legislative session, in July, or the following.

After today sending Ferro Rodrigues, president of the Assembly of the Republic, to accept the Chega project, in November a possible constitutional review commission is formed, meeting the deadline for the remaining parties or deputies to present their proposals.

In practice, and in the description of the deputies with experience in constitutional reviews, what can happen is summarized as follows: the process is opened, the eventual review committee is created, three or four meetings are held, one to the inauguration, one or two more to analyze the proposals and the last one for the vote, in which Chega’s proposals will be unsuccessful.

As a socialist deputy recalled, there was even a case in the past when this happened, in 2014.

The PSD and the CDS of Madeira proposed, in June, a review, to end the Constitutional Court and propose a single term of seven years for the President of the Republic, but that ended in October with an “advance” of all the proposals . that united a majority and right-wing opposition.

On the side of the two major parties, PS and PSD have already expressed their disagreement with Chega’s revision proposal, which foresees, for example, the extraction of genitalia from criminals convicted of rape by minors, something that in itself contains Doubts. compliance with the fundamental law.

Or even if the “material limits” of the review are removed, for example, allowing the regime to go from Republic to Monarchy.

Two weeks ago, in parliament, Ventura admitted that some of Chega’s “electoral flags”, such as chemical castration, are unconstitutional and that is why he wants to change the Portuguese Constitution.
