No need to have the inspection plate on the car windshield


In recent years there have been several changes in the law and today it is normal to have some doubts about the mandatory placement of seals on the windshield. The digital path and the COVID-19 pandemic forced many procedures to be simplified.

According to Ordinance No. 234/2020 published yesterday, the car insurance label is no longer green and is now white. Also, there is no need to affix the inspection plate to the car windshield. Only the insurance tag should be attached.

No need to have the inspection plate on the car windshield

The issuance of the international insurance certificate by insurance companies is accompanied by the obligation to issue a credential, generally issued jointly, in a single act and on a single piece of paper (the so-called "green card"), which must identify Among other elements, the insurance company, the policy number, the vehicle registration number and the validity of the insurance.

The Portuguese National Insurance Service - Portuguese Green Card Office - authorized, as of July 1 of this year, insurance companies to issue the international certificate of liability insurance on white paper, and no longer in color. green. Now the ordinance has been updated, removing the requirement for the color in which the badge must be issued, as we mentioned yesterday - see here.

No need to have the inspection plate on the car windshield

Only the insurance label is accurate on the car windshield

In the same diploma, the executive explains that, for the first time, it will not regulate the characteristics related to the badge that certifies the certification of the performance of mandatory periodic inspections, since in 2012 the legal norm that established its mandatory nature was repealed, with the changes in the vehicle technical inspection regime, becoming the vehicle inspection sheet that serves as evidence.

Administrative fines and infractions

If the police order you to pass, and you do not have the inspection form, the fine to impose can range between 60 and 300 euros. In addition, the driver of the vehicle is also required to present the document within eight days, at the place indicated by the authority. This is a minor infraction and in that sense you do not lose any points on your driving license.

On the other hand, If the vehicle has not been inspected, the the fine can range between 250 and 1250 euros. (Article 116 - Inspections - see here).

Drivers who are caught driving a vehicle without car insurance must pay a fine that ranges between 500 and 2,500 euros (according to the Highway Code). In addition, the car is immediately seized by the authorities. In this case, as it is a serious offense, the the driver loses two points on the driver's license and I can still stay Driving for a period of one month to one year is prohibited.

No need to have the inspection plate on the car windshield

If there is a car accident involving a vehicle that is not insured, the driver is sanctioned by law; If you are not at fault for the accident in question, you will always have to pay a fine and lose the respective points on the license. When the accident is caused by an uninsured vehicle, the driver is always responsible for paying a fine, compensation for all accident victims who have suffered physical and / or material damage.

If you do not have a civil liability insurance stamp, then it is considered a violation and the fine is 125 euros (in this case there is valid insurance). If you do not have valid insurance, the fine is 250 euros.

Ordinance No. 234/2020
