COVID-19. This was, again, the second worst day in new cases: 1394. Hospitalizations continue to increase | Coronavirus


Portugal once again registered, in the last 24 hours, more than a thousand daily cases of contagion by the new coronavirus, a total of 1,394, in what is once again the second worst day in this indicator since the start of the covid epidemic. 19 in the country. According to the daily bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS), in the last 24 hours 1,394 cases were registered, which brings the total of confirmed cases to 83,928 since the first case was known in March.

Only on April 10 there were a higher number of new infections, 1516, but that was an exceptional day because it included updates from previous days. Except for this unusual day, this is the worst day since the epidemic began. But it should be noted that, in March, the number of diagnostic tests was around 2,500 a day when now it is approaching 20,000 on average, as the Health Minister emphasized. two more than the day before), and the total number of deaths related to covid-19 now rises to 2,062.

Thursday’s numbers (1278) had already sounded the alarms. The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, said this Friday morning that the data known on that day are within expectations but did not hide his concern. “We are in a period only comparable to that experienced in early spring. It was already known that the figures would rise to values ​​above a thousand, that is, with the opening of schools, commercial life and now universities. The situation is very serious“He considered, wishing it would not last long, but recognizing that” it may not be a day, not a week, but weeks or months. Without wanting to dramatize, Marcelo admitted, however, the application of more restrictive measures from the 15th of this month, and even advanced with the hypothesis of “rethinking Christmas with the family.”

The DGS epidemiological bulletin indicates that the total number of people admitted to wards and intensive care units continues to increase, increasing the pressure on hospitals. In the last 24 hours, ten people have been hospitalized due to COVID-19, causing a further increase in total hospitalizations. Currently 811 patients are hospitalized, of which 125 are in intensive care units, ten more than the day before. The upward trend has been observed since the beginning of September and the current values ​​are at the same level as in May, but still far from those registered at the peak of the epidemic.

The number of people who have been in contact with those infected and who are being monitored by health authorities has skyrocketed in the last 24 hours. There are now 47,721 people under surveillance nationwide, 1,539 more than the day before. There are also 29,702 active cases of contagion, 735 more than this Thursday – this value is obtained after subtracting the number of recovered and deceased persons from the total number of infections. Portugal has never had so many active cases because the number of recovered people evolves at a slower rate than new infections – 647 people recovered in the last 24 hours and, in total, there are currently 52,164 people considered recovered throughout the country.

The bulk of the new infections this Friday are concentrated in three areas of the country: 689 of the cases were registered in the North, where three of the 12 deaths occurred, and 559, in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, which represents most of the fatalities in the last 24 hours, eight. In the Central region there was one more death and 96 cases.

Looking at the distribution of cases by region, Lisbon and Tagus Valley it continues to be the country with the highest accumulated number of cases in the country; In total, there are 42,266 records of infection and 822 deaths from covid-19. THE North It has 30,800 cases and 908 deaths, it is the region with the highest number of deaths. In the Center, Since the beginning of the epidemic, 6758 infections and 272 deaths have been added. THE Alentejo they totaled 1615 cases (11 new) and 25 deaths. In the Algarve there are 1921 cases of infection (31 in the last 24 hours) and 20 deaths. THE Madeira it now has 272 cases of infection (five new) and zero deaths. the Azores registered 294 cases (plus three) and 15 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

Of the total deaths registered in the country, 1,032 are men and 1,030 are women.

News updated with data from the daily average of diagnostic tests in March and October.
