The author of the theft of Tancos wants to return the rest of the war material


João Paulino, one of the main defendants in the process of theft of war material from the Tancos warehouse, wants to return the rest of the material that had not yet been recovered by the Military Judicial Police.

According to information collected by the JN, João Paulino submitted a claim to the Santarém Court, where the case will be judged, showing availability to return the missing material.

The judge accepted the request and ordered the Judicial Police to collect the grenades, ammunition and explosives that had not been returned when the discovery was staged, allegedly promoted by the Military Judicial Police (PJM).

The staging led to the arrest of the then leader of the PJM, various elements of that military police and also four investigators from the GNR of Loulé. The case reached the highest military levels that led to the dismissal and constitution as a defendant of Azeredo Lopes, former Minister of Defense, on suspicion of having covered the staging. with the aim of recovering the stolen material, but without acting criminally against the authors of the theft.

However, the former Minister of Defense Azeredo Lopes was accused by the Public Ministry of abuse of power, denial of justice, embezzlement and prohibition to exercise functions.

The Prosecutor’s Office charged a total of 23 defendants in the case of robbery and recovery of weapons from the warehouse of the Tancos military base.

The defendants were accused of crimes such as terrorism, criminal association, denial of justice, embezzlement, falsification of documents, influence peddling, abuse of power, reception and possession of a prohibited weapon.

The former director of the Military Judicial Police (PJM) Luís Vieira is charged with the crimes of criminal association, trafficking and mediation of weapons, falsification or falsification of documents, denial of justice and embezzlement and personal favoritism practiced by an employee.

The former director of PJM is accused of all crimes in co-authorship with other defendants, requesting the MP the prohibition of the exercise of functions as an accessory penalty.

The ex-marine João Paulino, alleged perpetrator of the theft of weapons from the warehouse of the Tancos military base, is charged with six crimes: the crime of detention of prohibited cartridges and ammunition and, jointly with other defendants, of two crimes of criminal association, crime of trafficking and mediation of arms, crime of terrorism and another of trafficking and other illegal activities.

The MP asks this defendant to apply an accessory sanction to stop the detention, use and possession of a weapon.
