PS, PSD, CDS-PP and IL fail the PCP project to increase the minimum wage to 850 euros – O Jornal Economico


The Assembly of the Republic rejected this Friday the draft resolution of the PCP, which recommended that the Government increase the national minimum wage to 850 euros. The communists argue that the general increase in wages and, in particular, the national minimum wage, is “a national emergency”, but that was not the understanding of the majority of the deputies and parliamentary seats present in the House.

The initiative was defeated, this morning in plenary session in Parliament, with the votes against the PS, PSD, CDS-PP and Liberal Initiative, despite having received favorable votes from the Left Bloc, PCP, PAN, PEV and not Joacine Katar Moreira and Cristina Rodrigues registered. The only deputy from Chega, André Ventura, was not present in the plenary session and, therefore, did not exercise the right to vote on the initiative.

In the draft resolution (which does not have legal force), the communists argued that the national minimum wage “has been deeply devalued by successive governments, with updates below the increase in average income and the consumer price index” and They emphasize that, “Considering inflation and increased productivity, its value today would be much higher” than the current 635 euros.

“The general increase in wages and, in particular, the National Minimum Wage, is a national emergency, to increase the economy and employment, to increase Social Security contributions, to ensure the return of so many young people forced to emigrate for the worsening living conditions and the right-wing policy of the PSD-CDS government, ”the communists maintained in the failed project.

Regarding the criticism that the increase in the minimum wage would have negative consequences for companies, the PCP argued that “remunerations have a weight of only 18% in the cost structure of companies, much lower than a set of other costs , that is to say with energy, fuel, credit or insurance ”.

In the debate on the proposal, which took place this Thursday, the Socialist deputy Luís Soares welcomed the initiative of the PCP, but stressed that the proposal that will be debated in the context of the social consultation will be more “balanced.” The PS also guaranteed that the commitment of the Socialist Executive to increase the national minimum wage to 750 euros is maintained until the end of the legislature, that is, until 2023.

The PSD and CDS-PP, for their part, considered that an increase to 850 euros in the current pandemic situation is “an irresponsible act and out of date with the harsh reality facing the country.”
