Marcelo supports the change in the Court of Auditors: “I didn’t have a second of doubt”


The President of the Republic took over the new president of the Court of Accounts, preparing him for criticism “and campaigns” that will try to stop his work. And he called for “rigor” (and “without fear”) in the fight against corruption and in the scrutiny of public funds and in the management of the next community funds. But he assumed full responsibility for the departure of Vitor Caldeira: “It was intentional,” he said, recalling not only the revision of the constitution that he assumed with the PS in 1997 (and it never became law), but even the controversial appointment of a new Attorney General of the Republic, two years ago, which also caused many criticisms to be directed at the President himself.

In his speech, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa began by underlining three ideas: “National gratitude, reaffirmation of principles and charting the future.” Vitor Caldeira, the now former president of the Court of Accounts, thanked “having exceeded all the very high expectations of four years ago”, to further consider that “there is no democratic rule of law if the institutions do not demonstrate that the replacement of their leader does not question, he cannot question his independence, his integrity, his exemption and his resistance to those who oppose his free and courageous judgment ”.

As two years ago, when the Attorney General of the Republic was replaced, the President said, “today I have no second doubt about what will be the conduct of the Court of Accounts after the replacement of its prominent President.” “Those who hope or wish to see in the non-renewal of the [anterior] President, that is, in the natural process of leadership renewal, a path open to corruption or to the control of who is supposed to control them and will continue to control everyone, ”added Marcelo.

As for the “mapping of the future”, “today there is a completely transparent substitution,” said the President of the Republic. José Tavares, the new president of the Court of Accounts “comes from home, he does not come from outside, with 38 years of tireless institutional dedication”, he recalled, to underline that “the election was intentional” – and stressed that José Tavares will continue “The course followed so far “, because” that course is the correct one. ” “The election was deliberate,” Marcelo repeated, recalling that José Tavares deserved the persistent trust of previous presidents. “

In this substitution process – which the president described as “fast but transparent, as necessary” – the name was worthy, “in addition to the Government’s proposal, the acceptance of the opposition leadership, before the reception by the president of the Republic”. “This agreement by the opposition leader was very important in the presidential decision,” said Marcelo.

José Tavares asked that he be inspired “by the example of President Vitor Caldeira and also by the history of the Court”, anticipating that he will face “criticism, if not campaigns, against the Court of Accounts and against him.” “Open or covert criticism”, said Marcelo, adding another appeal: “to the pressures of particularist interests” he responds with “the affirmation of the national interest.”
