Vaccinate only after elections; Crisis? “They are going to have to earn a living”


mem Portugal, on Tuesday, 14 more died and 427 new in 24 hours. The figures continue to worry and the consequences of the crisis caused by the pandemic. In an interview, businessman Pedro Ferraz da Costa maintains that the country is incapable of facing all the problems derived from the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19-19 and, in many cases, people “will have to earn a living.”

Meanwhile, the White House has announced that there is one more member of Donald Trump’s team. infected with COVID-19-19. This is Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor to the US Head of State, Responsible for test of Trump’s speeches and is, above all, the architect Foreign policy ‘America first’ (‘[Estados Unidos da] America First ‘) and restrictive immigration measures implemented by the White House.

This announcement was made on the same day as the United States Drug Administration (FDA) established the criteria for the approval of a future vaccine against COVID-19-19, which makes it unlikely that it will be authorized before the presidential elections in that country, which November.

See the evolution maps pandemic of the new coronavirus in Portugal and in the World.

Follow HERE THE MINUTE the latest news about the COVID-19-19 in Portugal and in the world:

10h26 – A Czech Republic 4,457 infections with the new coronavirus were published today in the last 24 hours, a new record that raises the rate accumulated in the last two weeks to 327 per 100,000 inhabitants, exceeding the figures for Spain.

10h22 – A New star Zealandia claims to have “controlled” the second outbreak of coronavirus, making sure you don’t have active local cases of the disease. The announcement was made by the Minister of Health, Chris Hopkins, who announced that since 11 August 186 community cases of coronavirus, all of them recovered to date. There are still 37 active cases, all imported and isolated.

10h10 – Africa recorded 177 more deaths and 7,338 in the last 24 hours infections because COVID-19-19, increasing the number of Deceased for 37,098.

10h05 – THE businessman Pedro Ferraz da Costa defends the creation of a structure with representatives of the parties with parliamentary seats to control the application of the money that Portugal will receive in âscope Recovery plan and Resilience the European Union.

09h57 – In the UK, and at a time when several universities in the country are resuming classes online, students stranded in their school houses are throwing parties. COVID-19-19, as a way to resume their social life.

09h32 – Rome Popat me Vinal Patel found an original way to circumvent security rules against COVID-19-19 and marry 250 people. This is because the ceremony was conducted as if it were a drive-in session. All the guests stayed inside their vehicles, from where they witnessed the ceremony, which was broadcast on a giant screen.

09h25 – A pandemic of the new coronavirus it has caused an economic crisis, the consequences of which are being felt throughout the world. The second wave of pandemic does not facilitate and, therefore, Full economic recovery is not expected to come before the end of 2022. The alert is from the president of the European Central Bank.

09h21Hundreds of Orthodox Jews demonstrated Tuesday night in the streets of Borough Park in New York, United States., against restrictive measures imposed by the state to limit the number of believers inside synagogues, close schools and close some non-essential commercial establishments due to the pandemic. See the images of the moment here.

09h12 – The authorities of the province of Sleeve, not center of Mozambiquetoday launched an appeal for children who sell on the streets to wear masks to avoid COVID-19-19, otherwise weights retractthe For the police.

09h00 – Masks protection. Portugal spent 197 million euros in the first semester on importing masks of protection against the new coronavirus. The country that spent the most, however, was Germany.

08h56 – A World Health Organization (who) announced in June, who was analyzing the drug combination Lopinavir me Ritonavir, generally used against HIV (AIDS virus), in the treatment of patients infected like new coronavirus. This Tuesday, a study published in The Lancet states that this combination of drugs is not recommended in hospitalized patients with COVID-19-19

08h53 – A pathology similar to that of Kawasaki – caused by the new coronovaírus SARSCoV-two – and that has affected children can be fatal in the adult population, doctors warn.

08h49 – Experts from zone of health argue that there is an urgent need for a coordinated strategy that integrates regional and local entities so that hospital emergencies do not collapsembecause in this Winter The pressure of the flu joins that of COVID-19-19.

08h30 – Trey Songz is one of the most recent faces known to reveal that he tested positive for COVID-19-19. The 36-year-old singer shared the information this Monday on his Instagram, explaining that he has been testing regularly due to the Interaction with large groups of people.

See this publication in Instagram

Down but not out! Stay safe everyone! Wear your mask. Wash your hands.

A post shared by Treysongz (@Treysongz) on October 5, 2020 at 5:04 am PDT

08h25 – A Germany registered, in the last 24 hours, another 16 deaths and 2,828 new cases of COVID-19-19. In total, the country has 306,086 confirmed cases and 9,562 Deceased for the new coronavirus.

08h17 – Of the 308 municipalities in the country, only 19 have not yet registered any case of COVID-19-19. They are: “six counties in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, five in the district of Portalegre, three in the district of Beja, two in the district of Viseu and three of the other three districts have no confirmed cases of the disease,” he says. Marktest.

08h14 – The district committee chair Protection Civil of Braganza, Francisco Guimarães, today defended the health control on the border with Spain for detection of possible cases of COVID-19-19 that are “imported” from other European countries.

8:10 am – Portugal cannot cope with all the problems arising from the economic crisis caused by COVID-19-19 and people “will have to earn a living,” warns businessman Pedro Ferraz da Costa.

07h44 – A India recorded 986 deaths and 72,049 infected like new coronavirus in the last 24 hours

07h00 – A China today totaled 52 consecutive days without infections places of COVID-19-19, but registered seven cases from abroad in the last 24 hours.

06h45 – Vaccinate only after the US elections. The United States Drug Agency (FDA) on Tuesday set criteria for approval of a future vaccine against COVID-19-19, which makes it unlikely that they will be authorized before the presidential elections of 3 November.

06h19 – the United States recorded 657 deaths due to COVID-19-19 and 41,583 cases of the disease in the last 24 hours, John Hopkins University said Tuesday. This last balance raised the total number of Deceased 210,774 and cases to 7,495,165 cases, registered since the beginning of the pandemic.

06h15 – A TAP made the first flight to Caracas on Tuesday from February, was prevented by the Venezuelan Government from operating in Venezuela, having repatriated 241 Portuguese held in the country due to the pandemic of COVID-19-19.

06h02 – Timor-Leste is once again free of cases of COVID-19-19. The only patient who was still infected recovered and was discharged from the isolation center in Tell me.

00h48 – Senior Advisor to the President of the United States of America (United States) Stephen Miller, who is also responsible for Republican Donald Trump’s controversial restrictive immigration policy, is infected like new coronavirusannounced the White House.

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