There is a new symptom of Covid-19 that worries experts. Know which – World


There is a new symptom that arises from infection with the new coronavirus that worries experts: skin rashes. Doctors around the world believe that this should be added to the official list of symptoms caused by Covid-19 and that it should be taken as seriously as fever, dry cough or loss of smell.

The World Health Organization has already included “skin rashes or discoloration of the fingers and toes” in the list of symptoms, yet health officials in several countries continue to ignore this symptom, the newspaper said. Mirror.

The UK Association of Dermatologists has created a website displaying images of skin rashes from Covid-19 infected patients to help people identify their problems.

“This is an important step towards raising awareness about the virus. Without patients realizing the importance of the rash, they do not know that they need to isolate themselves to stop transmitting the virus to others,” explains Justine Kluk, a dermatologist.

According to the expert, children are twice as likely to develop skin rashes compared to adults, and in the UK, one in six had this symptom alone, without a sign of fever or cough, the so-called “classic signs” of the virus. .
