15 suspected cases of covid-19, a lot of ‘thinking about the sea’ and the coming rain – dnoticias.pt


Today we learned that, in addition to three more positive cases of covid-19 in Madeira, there are 15 new situations that are being studied by the health authorities, all identified in the detection operation implemented at the Madeira airport. Epidemiological investigations are ongoing.

In relation to the new cases, known today, these are 2 cases imported from the United Kingdom and 1 from Colombia. Today there are still 2 recovered cases to report. In total, we have 73 active cases. 15,747 people are being monitored through the MadeiraSafe application, of which 7,609 are under active surveillance.

These are 2 imported cases from the UK and 1 from Colombia

Tânia Cova, October 06, 2020 – 18:55

The afternoon was also marked by another debate on “Thinking the future”. The debate gave voice to the interventions of the regional director of the Sea, Mafalda Freitas; the director of the Oceanic Observatory of Madeira (OOM), Rui Caldeira; the head of the marine aquaculture division of the Regional Directorate of the Sea, Carlos Andrade; and the entrepreneur linked to nautical activities Pedro Mendes Gomes. To these were added two more interventions by videoconference by the administrator of the Oceano Azul Foundation, and Emanuel Gonçalves, and Ruben Eiras.

Following news already advanced by DIÁRIO, first-hand the president of the Provincial Council, Miguel Albuquerque, admitted that the construction of the new soccer field in Câmara de Lobos will imply the creation of a new accessibility, which must include the construction of a branch – or two, one each way – to access the Câmara de Lobos / Estreito de Câmara de Lobos highway.

It also involves the expropriation of 5,780 m2 of banana land

Orlando Drumond, Oct 06, 2020 – 18:16

Also new for changes in the weather. The rain is coming. The Madeira archipelago is under a yellow alert, the third most serious on a scale of four, as of 9 pm this Tuesday due to the forecast of “periods of rain, or showers, sometimes heavy.”

Periods of rain or showers, sometimes heavy, expected for Tuesday night in the Madeira archipelago

Ricardo Duarte Freitas, October 06, 2020 – 17:26

In the cultural sphere, know that the Regional Government, through the voice of Eduardo Jesús, guarantees that it is doing everything possible to support the cultural sector. The regional secretary for Tourism and Culture said that the Regional Government has a “great concern” in “generating opportunities” so that companies, groups, independent professionals and cultural agents are not left unprotected during the pandemic crisis.
