“How is it that Vítor Caldeira was in the European Parliament for three years and now he is not used to running the Court of Auditors?”



The alert is given by João Paulo Batalha. It is about the non-renewal of the position of Vítor Caldeira at the head of the TdC.

“The Government wants to assault the power of the Court of Accounts.” The statement is from João Paulo Batalha, former president of the Civic Association Transparency and Integrity, to i. It is about the departure of Vítor Caldeira at the head of the TdC. How SOL advancedThe announcement of the non-renewal of the post was made by telephone by the Prime Minister and leader of the PS when informing the still president of the Court of Accounts that the Socialists will not renew the proposal of his name in Parliament for a new legislature.

“It shows that the Prime Minister not only mishandles external scrutiny, but also shows a lack of institutional respect.” And it goes further: “It is a sign that the Government does not live well with the independence of the Court of Accounts, since this entity has been doing its job independently and impartially. It shows a clear abuse of power ”. And he asks: “How is it that Vítor Caldeira was in the European Parliament for three years and now he cannot head the Court of Auditors?”

According to João Paulo Batalha, the next name chosen will have to be “well explained” by both the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic.

SOL also found that Vítor Caldeira sent several requests to S. Bento to be received at a formal hearing by the Prime Minister, but never received a positive response. The Court of Auditors started this year with devastating audits for central and local authorities and that caused the ink to run. The veneer was cracked between the entity led by Vítor Caldeira and the Government, the latter denying many of the conclusions of the documents. The sale of real estate by Social Security and the financing model of higher education were the ones that received the most ‘timely’ reactions.
But the Executive’s proposal to change public procurement rules to streamline contracts and allocate European funds is generating widespread outrage and facilitating corruption. The alert was given by the Court of Accounts and it was the last straw.

The parties criticize Precisely this weekend, the leader of the CDS-PP challenged the prime minister to clarify the case of the non-renewal of the president of the Court of Accounts. “The newspaper SOL reports that the prime minister dismissed the president of the Court of Accounts by telephone [Vítor Caldeira] for not having liked the criticism of the way in which public money is spent and for criticizing the reforms to the public procurement law, “considering that the non-renewal of Vítor Caldeira motivated by the criticism of the entity he presides would be” a real scandal “, and challenges the prime minister to clarify” urgently “to the Portuguese.

“Is the news about what happened to the president of the Court of Auditors true? Without transparent rules and without an independent Court of Accounts, how will public money be inspected, avoiding mischief and corruption? “, Question.

Tiago Mayan, the Liberal Initiative candidate for presidential candidates, also reacted to the SOL news with criticism of the Prime Minister’s performance.
