In one of the worst days of the pandemic, Costa warns that Portugal can not return to “resort to confinement” – News


Speaking to RTP and TVI, at the entrance to the Pedro Abrunhosa concert in São Domingos de Benfica, Lisbon, António Costa commented on the data revealed today by the official bulletin of the General Health Directorate, which pointed to 10 more deaths. and 904 new cases of Covid-19 in Portugal.

“We are having, as is known since mid-August, a constant increase, in line with other European countries, of infections”, the Prime Minister began, underlining that “fortunately, today they are having less severity than they were at the beginning of the crisis, but they do not allow anyone to alleviate the care that we should all have ”.

Speaking of the need for “great discipline”, Costa recalled that “We cannot resort again, as we did in March, to the closure and paralysis of the country “because” the income of families, jobs and companies could not take it back. “

“Anow we are exclusively in our own hands and in the way we follow the basic rules. If we meet them all, we will control the pandemic. If we don’t comply, we have dramatic situations like the ones some are experiencing, ”he said.

Even so, and despite mentioning that “evolution [da pandemia] it has been significant ”, said the Prime Minister that“ with regard to the pressure on the National Health Service, it has remained stable and the reinforcement has been made, which is comforting to us ”.

Subsequently, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa was also asked, at the end of a meeting on science, at the Museo Nacional Viejo del Carro, in Lisbon, to comment on the figures of the pandemic in Portugal.

“Two weeks ago, I had already had the opportunity to say that the possibility of reaching more than 1000 infected people a day was allowed with the opening of schools and the return to full social activities. We are close to that, ”the head of state began, recalling that“ what I said at that time applies now ”.

“Some say it is the second wave, others that it is the third, but we are witnessing a phenomenon in many countries of Europe of an increase in infected people,” continued Marcelo, adding that this means “an acceleration of the pandemic that corresponds to the transaction”. autumn / winter, open social activity, opening of schools ”.

The President of the Republic, however, also stressed that “at this time, there is no stress in the National Health Service, in the sense that neither in the hospital nor in intensive care we are reaching what are now called red lines and much less red lines in terms of deaths ”.

In addition, the “health authorities have already spoken about their preparation in the event that it is necessary to expand the capacity of detention, asking other components of the SNS to assume non-covid pathologies or even other forms of detention, which are thought and prepared in this way” Marcelo concluded.

Portugal today exceeded 2,000 deaths associated with covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, totaling 2,005 deaths, 10 more compared to Saturday, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

In the last 24 hours, Portugal registered 904 more cases of contagion by the new SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, totaling 79,151 cases, according to DGS data, according to which there are currently 26,939 active cases, 532 more than on Saturday.

The DGS indicates that of the 10 deaths registered, the majority (8) occurred in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, where there is also the highest number of infections, and two in the North.

Regarding hospital admissions, the bulletin reveals that in the last 24 hours there are 14 more hospitalized in wards and one less in intensive care compared to Saturday.

In total, there are 682 patients admitted to the infirmary and 105 to the Intensive Care Units, according to the report on the epidemiological situation of covid-19 in Portugal.

The bulletin also indicates that the health authorities have 46,348 contacts under surveillance, another 120 in relation to Saturday, and that 362 patients have been reported as recovered.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in Portugal in March, 50,207 people have recovered from the disease.

The highest number of deaths is still concentrated in people over 80 years of age.

The covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than one million thirty thousand deaths and more than 34.9 million cases of contagion worldwide, according to a report prepared by the French agency AFP.
