The White House’s strange contradictions on Trump’s health


Disorientation in message or willful confusion? Nobody has the answer. reuring Saturday, there was a lot of conflicting information on the health, the schedule and the attention that the president of the United States has received in recent days, all from the White House.

Donald Trump’s doctor, Sean Conley, gave a press conference that raised more questions than certainties and needed to be corrected hours later to clear up doubts. She did not calm down. Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was supposed to appear in a video asking not to be quoted in information that contradicted what the doctor had just said. Finally, to calm the mood, Donald Trump appeared in a four-minute video saying that he is feeling better and will be back soon.

A crazy day in the White House that raises questions not only about Trump’s health but also about national security, American experts say. After all, when did Trump know he was infected with SARS CoV2? Before the debate with Joe Biden? Did you go to events that already had a positive test? Did you need oxygen? Are you safe from danger? Was it the day that Trump’s election to the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, was presented the event that led several Republicans to become infected?

When was it diagnosed?

I was the main doubt raised after the press conference of the president’s doctor yesterday morning (around 5:00 pm in Lisbon). In an opening statement read, Conley told reporters that they were “72h from or diagnosis” coronavirus infection. He passed the word on to another doctor who added one more piece of information: that Regeneron’s experimental drug had been administered for the first time. “it was 48 hours”.

At the time, the White House had only released Trump’s status. 36 hours agoThursday morning.

Faced with the incongruity, the journalists questioned Conley about the schedule: if he had spoken in 72 hours, that would put Trump’s diagnosis on Wednesday morning, the day after the debate with Joe Biden. Conley didn’t go straight to the point, saying the test was repeated on Thursday and the diagnosis confirmed (Trump is tested every day, as are White House staff, with rapid tests). At the press conference, Conley always refused to say when Donald Trump’s last negative test was.. And here may be the key to the discussion.

Shortly after the press conference, several journalists reported that a White House source said that Conley was not referring to “72 hours” but to “day three” of infection (the logic is that Thursday is day one, Friday , day two, and Saturday, day three). Hours later, this information would be delivered in writing and signed by Sean Conley. But with one more incongruity: Conley denies saying that he did not mean “72 hours” but “day 3” and that he did not mean “48 hours” but “day two”. It turns out that it was not Conley who gave the 48-hour information, but another doctor. How do you assume in denial something that you knew you didn’t say? In addition to the doubts about the credibility of the White House that in this written information there are factual errors in the name of the drug that was administered to Trump. If it was the doctor who wrote, wouldn’t you know?

There’s another fact to add: Chris Wallace, the Fox News reporter who moderated the Trump-Biden debate, reported as early as Friday that Trump had not arrived at the debate site in time to be tested (Tuesday night).

One more piece of information, Hope Hicks, Trump’s adviser who was the first to have a positive diagnosis (Thursday), showed symptoms, according to several sources cited by The New York Times, Wednesday, during a rally in Minnesota, and was quarantined upon his return aboard Air Force One. If there were questions about one of Trump’s closest advisers, who had traveled several times that week with the President, including the trip to Cleveland for the debate with Biden, Why is Trump being tested a day later?

All of these contradictions raised questions, the main one being: When was the last negative test? Unanswered.

Is it okay or not?

It all starts at the president’s doctor’s press conference. Sean Conley reported that Trump had not had a fever in the past 24 hours (without saying if it was the result of the medication or if the fever had disappeared naturally), that he was not receiving artificial oxygen and was not having difficulty breathing. Tudo “goes well”, He said. The doctor tried to convey a message of reassurance, saying that Trump had been hospitalized for being “the president of the United States” and therefore precautions had to be taken. He also said that Trump was being administered drugs at an earlier stage compared to decisions regarding other patients.

A reassuring message about Trump’s state of health that would be devastated minutes later by an anonymous White House source. The different journalists who covered the White House received an email from that anonymous source, but from an official account of the Trump team, with information that contradicted what Conley had just said. The mail said that Trump’s state inspired “concern” because the vital signs for the last 24 hours (Friday) were “worrisome” and that the next 48 hours would be critical. “He is not yet on a clear path to full recovery”wrote the same source.

Minutes after some bodies reported this perception from the White House, a video of the feed From a television, he is released and Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, appears, asking reporters who were present at Walter Reed’s hospital (where the doctor’s press conference had taken place) not to give him an appointment. The cameras had continued to send the images to newsrooms, as they normally do when preparing for rights, and Meadows “caught” talking to reporters. Both the New York Times and the Associated Press identify Meadows as the source of that information that contradicted what the doctor had just said.

But the plot doesn’t stop there. Later, Meadows again contradicts what the doctor said., that Trump had been admitted as a precaution. In an interview with Fox News, Trump’s chief of staff said that on Friday morning they were “concerned” about Trump’s health and that he “had improved unbelievably.”

The New York Times reports that Trump was furious with Meadows and decided to prove himself okay. Did. The first appearance was to send tweets thank the treatments at Walter Reed, then Saturday night in a four minute video. Also last night, the doctor sends a new written note saying that Trump was working in the afternoon and to complete the news to receive the message that Trump is fine, the White House publishes photographs of Trump at work. An important point, given that many wonder why Trump did not pass his powers as president to Vice President Mike Pence.

Did you need oxygen or not?

During the day yesterday, several American media realized that Donald Trump had experienced breathing difficulties and needed oxygen on Friday, still in the White House, before being transferred to Walter Reed’s military hospital.

At the doctor’s press conference, the only time journalists were able to ask questions of a Trump team official, Sean Conley constantly dodged the question, repeating that “at this time” (Saturday morning) he had no need and that on Friday, while he was with the medical team,. At the insistence of journalists on whether since she was diagnosed she had needed oxygen to breathe, Conley responded again with the current moment, saying that Trump was in good levels of oxygen saturation.

In the last update of the night (Trump’s doctor is giving written information about his health), Conley returned to the topic and wrote that Trump “remains free and in need of supplemental oxygen, with saturation levels ranging from 96% to 98%. % at all times”. the day”.

Did it appear in already positive events?

This is one of the biggest doubts. If the truth is the first timeline given by the doctor, the answer is yes. He appeared at a rally in Minnesota and at a fundraiser held at one of their golf courses.. If the truth is the corrected version, which I only learned on Thursday morning, the answer is no. A doubt that remains.

It is not yet known for sure where Trump was infected, but the eyes of the US media are on a event last Saturday, in the middle of the White House, the event in Rose Garden. In the garden overlooking the Oval Room, approximately one hundred republicans gathered for the presentation of Amy Conley Barrett, Trump’s election to Supreme Court, following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Several people present at this event have tested positive in the last hours: in addition to Trump and Melania, two Republican senators (there are already three, but the third did not attend this event), the Reverend John Jenkins and Councilor Kellyanne Conway.

In this presentation there are images of much confusion, of disrespect for the use of masks and social distancing. Mike Pence, the vice president of the United States, was in the front row, surrounded by some Republicans who tested positive, but said he tested negative.

However, there is another moment in the spotlight: preparing for the debate with Joe Biden on Tuesday. In addition to Trump, Hope Hicks and Governor Chris Christie tested positive and Both were together for hours preparing the debate. It remains to be seen if Rudolph Giuliani, also present, tested positive. The Washington Post also says that during the debate, Trump’s guests refused to abide by the rules and remained unmasked.

The White House was supposed to track contacts from the past few days, but according to CNN and the Washington Post, there haven’t been many efforts to track. There are people who have been in Rose Garden and close to Trump who have not received any indication to get tested or quarantine.

The problem also arises forward. If Trump had already tested positive on Wednesday morning (if the truth is the 72 hours counted by the doctor), What is the reason for going to rallies and events? fundraising?

Questions continue to arise and the credibility of the information coming from the White House is questioned by the main US media, the Post speaks of “confusion” and “incomplete” answers, CNN in “alternate reality” and the New York Times speaks of “confusion” and “worry”. Trump spent the night in the hospital and it is not yet clear when he will leave. In a video published last night he assures that he hopes to “come back soon”, but the next few hours will be crucial.
