Event with 200 guests on the White House lawn may have been the origin of the outbreak that infected Trump – Observer


Since that event, the virus may have started to spread through the White House and the Trump presidential campaign. On Tuesday, the president of the United States flew to Cleveland, Ohio, to debate Joe Biden in the first debate of the campaign. The counselor was present on the plane. Hope hicks and the campaign manager Bill stepien, two other elements of Trump’s circle that would also end up testing positive.

The next day, Trump flew to the city of Duluth, Minnesota, where he participated in an election rally. It is on this trip that counselor Hope Hicks registers the first symptoms and warns of a possible outbreak of infection in Trump’s team. Hicks is isolated and, upon his return to Washington, even disembarks from the back of the presidential plane. On the same trip the personal assistant was present Nicolas Luna, the last member of Trump’s team to test positive.

Despite the alarm, Thursday’s agenda continued to advance relatively normally. Donald Trump headed to New Jersey to participate in a fundraiser at one of his golf clubs. Nicholas Luna was removed from the trip, having contacted Hope Hicks – then to be identified as the source of the infection – but the rest of the party remained the same. Only on Thursday afternoon would Trump repeat the test. On the evening of the same day, confirmation arrived that the US president was infected..

In parallel, the American television station ABC News was forced to quarantine part of your workers after Presidential aide Chris Christie was in the studios for political comment Tuesday, and the fact that Christie was invited was not well received in the newsroom.

“ABC News’s decision to broadcast a paid Trump adviser who helped prepare the debate as a paid analyst was questionable. Now, the irresponsible behavior of that same advisor is putting the lives of ABC News employees at risk. What was the administration thinking? ”One of the network’s presenters told the US press.
