Confusion about the state of health of the president of the United States | COVID-19


The president of the United States went through a “very worrying” period on Friday, according to information provided by the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows. Donald Trump even had to receive oxygen due to his breathing difficulties before being transported to the hospital, a source close to the Associated Press said. At the same time, the president’s employees publicly insisted that the symptoms were “moderate.”

Mark Meadows told reporters on Saturday that it is necessary to wait 48 hours to find out if the president’s health is really evolving favorably, because it is too early to conclude that the worst is over.

“The vital signs of the last 24 hours were very worrying and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of care,” adding that “we are not on a clear path to full recovery.”

THE instructions to the press conducted by Dr. Sean Conley, commander of the Navy, and other doctors at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, tried to give a tone that the worst is over (the president has not had a fever for 24 hours) and everything is fine, but it ended up causing confusion as to when the president tested positive for coronavirus.

Conley said Trump presented “clinical indications” for COVID-19 on Thursday afternoon, which would be earlier than was officially released. And when asked if the president had ever received oxygen, she replied: “Thursday, no oxygen. None at this time. And yesterday, with the team, when we were all there, he had no oxygen.

In addition, the doctor also said that the president had been diagnosed 72 hours earlier, which since Conley was speaking around noon on Saturday on the east coast of the United States (5:00 p.m. in mainland Portugal), that would put the diagnosis of the Wednesday, which would imply that Trump had kept his appointment schedule even though he knew he was infected; Thursday he was raising funds for his resource from New Jersey. Later, the doctor would issue a statement clarifying that he was referring to “Day 3” since Trump’s positive result and that he had been diagnosed on Thursday night.

The optimistic tone used by Conley and the rest of the doctors on the team, trying to convey the idea of ​​an unclear picture about the evolution of the health of the president of the United States, ended up leaving more questions than answers about the real state of health of the head of state, in a contradictory moment of communication that the Trump Administration has accustomed journalists and the general public during these almost four years.

In these pandemic months, when the virus struck some of Trump’s close associates in the White House, advisers refused to share the most basic information about the president’s health, including symptoms, tests he had done and Your results. . And on Friday, the American press wondered if it were not for the press to spread the information that the president was ill, the Administration would have transmitted it or it would have transmitted it so quickly.
