After all, how is Donald Trump’s health?


A few minutes after finishing the talk given by the medical team accompanying Donald Trump, and in which the White House doctor assured that the president’s health was evolving very positively, sites The American news provided other information.

According to a source close to the head of state, who spoke to journalists anonymously, Trump’s vital signs in the last 24 hours “worried a lot” and the “next 48 hours will be decisive.” “We are not yet on the safe path to recovery,” said the same source. The New York Times identifies this source as the Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows

Minutes earlier, the scenario outlined by Dr. Sean Conley in front of Walter Reed Military Hospital indicated that the head of state was improving rapidly: “Right now, my team and I are very pleased with the progress the president has made. On Thursday I had a mild cough, nasal congestion and tiredness. All these symptoms are disappearing ”.

Also according to this first medical report, after the first night in the hospital, the heart, kidney and liver functions were normal and the president had been without fever for 24 hours. “We are cautiously optimistic,” he reinforced.

But when asked multiple times if Donald Trump ever needed oxygen to help him breathe, the answers were evasive. Without denying it outright, Conley simply replied: “This morning he has no oxygen and no breathing difficulties. And he is very well disposed ”.

To the New York Times, two sources close to the White House had previously assured that the president – who is seeking reelection in November – had breathing difficulties on Friday, due to an infection by SARS CoV 2, with the level of oxygen. in the blood to fall. And that situation caused him to have to receive supplemental oxygen, which precipitated the decision to transport him by helicopter to the hospital, a journey that takes about 30 minutes by car.

The journalists insisted. Have you ever needed oxygen ?: “None at this time and yesterday, while you were with my team, you were not on oxygen.”

How long have you been infected?

The medical team also confirmed that the American president had been treated with two different treatments. He first received a cocktail of antibodies, produced by the Regeneron company, and then began taking Remdesivir, an antiviral that he will take for five days. This drug has been used in patients who already had more severe symptoms of Covid-19.

Another of the doubts that arose after the briefing is related to the day it became known that the president was infected with the new coronavirus.

Sean Conley even spoke of the president’s status “72 hours after diagnosis,” bringing the test result positive on Wednesday and not Thursday night, as initially reported.

The doubt forced an official clarification. “This morning, I misused the expression 72 hours, instead of day 3 of infection, and 48 hours instead of day 2, when referring to the diagnosis and administration of antibody therapy.”

Meanwhile, from the presidential area of ​​the Walter Reed Military Hospital, Donald Trump tweeted: “I feel good.”
