Trump’s State of Health Described as “Worrying” Against US President’s Doctor’s Version – The Economic Journal


The health of Donald Trump, president of the United States, who has been infected with coronavirus in the last 24 hours, is described by a source cited by the Associated Press as worrying, after his hospitalization with covid-19 at Walter hospital. Rush.

“Some of the president’s vital signs in the last 24 hours have been very worrying and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of care. We have not yet taken a clear path to recovery, “said a source with knowledge of the situation, on condition of anonymity, and cited by several international organizations.

While noting that the symptoms – cough, fever, nasal congestion and fatigue – have improved since he was admitted to that Washington hospital, the same source said it could be several days before the president scored high, although Trump confessed to having done so. . medical team who felt they could even leave the hospital.

The information is contrary to the “advance” that the medical team reports to journalists today in the latest clinical report on the US president. Dr. Sean Conley noted that “the president is very well, motivated and in a good mood” and that he is not on oxygen to breathe.

“We are very pleased with the progress the president has made. The president has been without fever for more than 24 hours and his last saturation was 96%, he did not need oxygen, “said the clinician, who avoided making predictions about the evolution of the White House leader:” I do not want to put a date [para ter alta]It’s fine, but until the tenth day you have to be very careful. It is difficult to say where it is evolving.

The White House had previously said that Donald Trump is being treated with synthetic antibodies, an experimental treatment considered promising.

In the early hours of Friday, Donald Trump wrote on his personal page on the social network Twitter that, like the first lady, Melania, he had tested positive for the covid-19 disease and would be quarantined in an announcement that came out of the country. on alert and has multiplied reactions around the world.
