Parliament passes resolutions so pregnant women can be followed


Parliament approved on Friday four draft resolutions presented by BE, PAN, Liberal Initiative and by the unregistered deputy Cristina Rodrigues to recommend to the Government that pregnant women can have a companion at all stages of pregnancy.

The PAN project, which calls for “effectively guaranteeing that pregnant women have the right to a companion in the National Health Service”, was approved with favorable votes from the proponent bench, PS, BE, PCP, PEV, Liberal Initiative (IL ), Basta and the unregistered deputies Cristina Rodrigues and Joacine Katar Moreira, and the abstention of PSD and CDS-PP.

The party denounces that “with the appearance of covid-19, many people have narrated the fact that the presence of the companion in several hospitals of the National Health Service (SNS) is prohibited, as well as the separation of mother and baby at this time “. of birth, in infected and uninfected women, as well as advising against or even preventing breastfeeding and other practices in clear breach of current legislation ”.

“Although we understand that each institution has the right to adapt its internal practices according to its reality and limitations, it is necessary that, on the part of the Government, everything possible be done so that the rights of women in pregnancy and childbirth are generally respected in Portugal, embracing the best practices based on evidence, supporting the training of women at this stage of their life, humanizing the national obstetric practice ”, defend the deputies of People-Animals-Nature.

The draft resolution of the sole deputy of IL, João Cotrim Figueiredo, deserved the votes against the PCP and PEV, the abstention of the PSD and CDS-PP, and the favorable votes of the rest of the deputies.

The initiative recommends the modification of “Orientation 018/20 issued by the General Directorate of Health”, to “guarantee the effective right of the pregnant woman to the presence of a companion in the obstetric services, during consultations, examinations, delivery and postpartum “.

The only member of the IL considers that, “in Portugal, there is still much to be done in terms of the rights of pregnant women and women in labor, with many more complaints of obstetric violence than would be expected and desired in a so-called developed country” and points out that “The suppression of the right of the pregnant woman to a companion in consultations, exams, delivery and postpartum is one more example of this violence and is unacceptable.”

The PSD voted against BE’s draft resolution, the abstention of the CDS and the favorable votes of the other seats and deputies.

The blockers recommend that the executive headed by António Costa, “together with the General Directorate of Health, review the guidelines and norms developed on the subject, in order to better harmonize the rights of pregnant women and public health and guarantee respect for rights legally “. consecrated “.

And they ask him to “intervene with the institutions of the SNS, so that the institutions adopt the measures and ensure the necessary conditions for full compliance with the rights of the pregnant woman, in particular the right to follow-up in pregnancy care and in all pregnancy stages”. Birth “.

The initiative of the unregistered deputy Cristina Rodrigues received votes against PSD, CDS-PP, PCP and PEV, and favorable votes from the rest.

The deputy proposes to the Government that, “in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the guidelines issued in the context of covid-19 on pregnancy and childbirth be reviewed, guaranteeing all pregnant women the right to a companion during all stages of labor, even if they tested positive. “

Cristina Rodrigues also recommends that the Government “ensure that the hospital units ensure the necessary conditions to allow the presence of a companion during all phases of labor.”

Although approved, the draft resolutions are not legally binding.
