Government gives the green light to the hiring of 4380 health professionals | Health


The Council of Ministers approved several diplomas on Thursday, including the one that establishes an “exceptional regime for the constitution of legal labor relations in the health area.” In total, 4,380 professionals hired in a pandemic context will be integrated into State personnel.

Not instructions At the end of the government meeting, the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, explained that the integrations concern different professional groups: 1,320 operational assistants; 912 nurses; 480 technical assistants; 220 senior diagnostic technicians and 63 other professionals, for a total of 2,995. This portion does not include contests for medical personnel that are already underway and include: 911 hospital physicians; 39 public health physicians; and 435 specialists in public and family health. In total, the number amounts to 4,380.

With this figure, according to the Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, the commitment assumed by the Government at the end of 2019 is fulfilled, which provided for the strengthening of the SNS with 8,400 professionals in 2020 and 2021 (4,200 each year). ).

“This measure aims to promote job stability in line with the Government’s program and the Economic and Social Stabilization Program, with the aim of meeting the needs of direct care and support services, allowing their fixation in the SNS professionals of the health through the conversion of fixed-term contracts signed under an exceptional contracting regime, approved in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, “the Government explained then in the final statement of the Council of Ministers.

Solidarity supplement for the elderly

In addition to this diploma, and as the PUBLIC had already advanced, the Executive approved the decree of law that alters the regime regarding the solidarity supplement for the elderly.

“The diploma extends to the third step the elimination of the impact of children’s income and defines the creation of a simplified mechanism that exempts the initial payment of the cost of medicines not reimbursed by the State,” explained the Minister of State and Presidency.

The Council of Ministers approved other laws on the reorganization of work in the public administration, with a view to minimizing the risks of transmission of covid-19 and organization and operation of public services for citizens and companies.
