Social Security will pay 100% of the hours not worked if the breaks are greater than 75%


For breaks of 75%, the new successor model of the simplified dismissal puts Social Security to pay 100% of the hours not worked.

The government intends to create a new access step in the successor to the dismissal, supporting the progressive resumption, starting in October, admitting that companies with turnover losses of between 25% and 40% can reduce the schedule by up to one third. of its workers.

The support flexibility measure was presented this Wednesday to the partners of the Permanent Commission for Social Coordination, with the confirmation also that companies with minimum breaks of 75% will be able to totally reduce the working day. In these cases, the government admits paying up to 100% for hours not worked, said Economy Minister Siza Vieira.

For workers who will maintain reduced hours in the coming months, the minimum remuneration will be, as planned for this period, 88%, without changes for workers even if they are left with a total reduction in working hours. On the other hand, there will be no suspension of employment contracts and the government intends to double the value of the training scholarships financed by the IEFP. “It will go from 150 euros to 300 euros”, said the Minister of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho, about the amount that is distributed between employer and worker.

Despite the “more intense support” for companies with minimum breaks of 75% and the new access step, the Minister of Economy indicated that there will be no changes regarding the Single Social Rate. “We do not change this regime and, therefore, companies must continue to support TSU in the same terms that were established,” said Pedro Siza Vieira. In other words, the payment of the tax on hours worked is maintained and the reductions already provided, depending on the size of the companies, on hours not worked.

The extension of the measure to reduce the normal working term in succession to the simplified dismissal, in force since August, comes after the initial figures have resulted in low adherence. As of the end of August, only 6,897 companies had requested support that increased burdens on employers and also increased the amount of wages that workers can preserve when covered. The new layoff was requested last month for just 55,014 workers. In most cases, companies reported sharp drops: 4,620 reported a minimal reduction in activity of 60%, and 3,310 reported minimal disruptions of 75%.

The cost of Social Security with this measure, and with the simplified dismissal and conventional dismissal that can still be requested in some cases, has not exceeded 70 million euros in the last month.

This Wednesday, after the meeting with the partners, the Minister of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security updated the general data, realizing that the set of measures in force since August -including the incentive of up to two minimum wages per worker after the deadline dismissal – so far 41 thousand companies have been requested, covering 380 thousand workers (there were 25,245 companies and 278,924 workers until the end of August).

The number of subscriptions for September is not detailed to support the progressive recovery, but it should have remained low given the evolution recorded.

The reformulation continues to receive contributions from the social partners. UGT, for example, calls for the prohibition of layoffs for a minimum period of six months in view of the greater contribution of Social Security to the wages of companies with minimum interruptions of 75%. The government expects the changes to be approved shortly. In any case, according to Minister Pedro Siza Vieira, they will come into force on the date of October 1 this Thursday.
