PCP leaves notice to the Government with 46 urgent measures for now and for OE 2021 | SO 2021


The PCP put on the table this Wednesday the areas of wages and workers’ rights (with special focus on the general increase in wages), strengthening of public services, public investment and control of companies. and strategic sectors, greater social protection and distribution of wealth. There are 46 proposals that were enunciated one by one by the parliamentary leader João Oliveira in the Assembly of the Republic a few hours after the PCP meeting with António Costa on the 2021 State Budgets (OE 2021).

They are all “urgent measures” and for which the PCP wants an answer even before the new budget and with which the party intends to show that it counts in the equation. “They are immediate and urgent responses that must be taken immediately, regardless of the OE discussion, and others that must be considered within budget” to respond to the pandemic crisis and structural problems in the country, warns João Oliveira. .

THE synchronization it is not innocent: it will be a way of marking territory and putting pressure on the government, showing what the party brought to the prime minister in the morning meeting. It also serves for the communists to send a message to the Government – which may think that it does not need the PCP to approve the budget because the Bloc will suffice – and to the President of the Republic – who warned that it makes no sense to have political crises now. “It is a set of proposals that respond to what the PCP says: count to find solutions; it certainly does not count for speculations about artificially created political crises, regardless of the high patronage they may have from the head of government or the head of state ”.

Not a word about what the PCP discussed with António Costa in the morning, and less about possible voting directions in the budget. The parliamentary leader of the PCP insisted that this assessment will depend, in the vote in general, on what is included in the document that arrives at Parliament on the 12th. and whether or not there are pressing issues for the CFP and then, in the final global vote, of what the party can enter in the discussion in the specialty. “The experience of the past should lead us to caution” about the announcement of measures that later do not materialize and warns that “look at theWhat is inscribed. “Only in view of the proposal is it possible to decide on the vote.” Therefore, the procession continues in the cemetery, Jerónimo de Sousa would say.

Admitting that not all 46 proposals carry the same weight, the communist leader emphasizes the need for a general increase in wages, both in the public and private sectors, starting with the minimum wage – the “political commitment” for this increase. general tops the list. – and reject the ghosts that this will bring more crisis. Among the measures are, for example, the alteration of the table of remuneration of the public function, the suspension of dismissals, the elimination of the fees of moderators, a public employment program with the hiring of 25 thousand workers per year until 2024, reinforcement of funds for social passes, creation of a national public transport company, PPP exchange, a national housing program, increase in pensions and pensions, reinforcement of family allowances, advance of free child care.

After a first meeting in July, following the amending budget against which the communists voted for the first time since 2016 In which António Costa insisted on discarding the idea that he was approaching the PSD, the prime minister again sat down with the parties at the official residence. Around the table were the Finance team and the PCP delegation made up of the secretary general, Jerónimo de Sousa, the parliamentary leader João Oliveira, and the members of the political committee of the party’s central committee, Jorge Cordeiro and Vasco Cardoso. the hard core that, from the beginning of the so-called “contraption”, has taken over the conversations with Costa. But if this was the first meeting with the Prime Minister after the holidays, the meetings with João Leão’s team were frequent during the summer, so the extensive list of measures now announced by João Oliveira is not, at all, a surprise for the finance office.
