Ruben Rua clarifies phrase with which Cristina Ferreira worked – a Boil


After causing controversy when he revealed that he met with Cristina Ferreira to negotiate his transfer to TVI on a date when the presenter was still working at the SIC, Rubén Rúa returned with the word of return.

I received a message from Cristina on July 27, I met on July 29. Helena [Coelho] I received the same message that day. At this distance he had no idea of ​​the times. It’s just this! It is easy to demonstrate. For me it was Cristina’s first week of July on TVI“explained the presenter of ‘VivaVida’ to the magazine ‘TV Mais’.

At the premiere of the program ‘Day of Cristina’, last week, Cristina Ferreira asked Rubén Rua how long did he know he was going to present the new TVI program. “From the first week of July“he said, adding:”That Monday there was a message from you that said: Boy, meeting, Wednesday at 11 am. Job.

Words that caused discomfort in SIC, since the presenter just left the channel on July 17. “SIC is absolutely shocked and disgusted by the situation. Cristina Ferreira confirmed, live, that she had planned a program for a competing channel at the beginning of July, more than two weeks before unilaterally terminating the contract with the SIC, without grounds, where she was a presenter, a consultant for the Programs Directorate and a of the figures. in front of the station. Besides being ethically reprehensible and disrespecting the public that accompanied her at the SIC, it is undoubtedly a very serious breach of the contract that bound her to the station, ”revealed a source from the Paço de Arcos channel to Correio da Manhã.
