Everything ends today


THE The deadline to request access to bank moratoriums ends this Wednesday 30 September, a day that also ends the suspension of essential services in the âscope gives pandemic. In addition, the self-employed also have until this Wednesday to request support for previous months, but we go in parts.

Do you adhere to moratoriums? Inform your bank

The bank default was extended by decision of the Council of Ministers last week, but the deadline to join this regime is ending. Those interested in accessing this program must show your intention to respective bank until this Wednesday 30 September.

The extension of the approved moratorium provides different solutions for companies that depend on sector where they are inserted and the impact of pandemic in your exercise.

How companies inserted in sectors particularly affected through pandemic, namely those of tourism, culture, sector or trade and auto repair, you will benefit from the extension of the moratorium until 30 September U.S exact defined until December 31 MarchIn other words, they will continue to benefit from the suspension of payment of the outstanding principal and interest. These tourism, culture and other companies sectors plus affectedThey will also have an additional 12-month period to repay the outstanding capital.

As to remaining companies what currently covered by the moratoriums, the extension of six months (up to 30 September 2021) approved today, maintains the suspension of the payment of capital, but not of interest, according to the Minister of State and Economy, Pedro Siza Scallop

In the case of families, the minister affirmed that “the same universe” of those who benefit from the moratorium on loans for housing and education see “also the obligation to pay interest and principal until December 30 September 2021 “.

The ban on cutting off the power supply ends

The regime exceptional and temporary that prohibits operators from suspending the supply of Water, electricity, gas and communications electronic families facing unemployment and a drop in income of 20% or more, pandemic of COVID-19-19, also ends this Wednesday 30 of September.

The Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection (DECO) has already come to defend changes in access to social rates. The association promises to continue monitoring the social and economic impact of pandemic and do everything possible “to safeguard” the rights of consumers.

The Regulatory Authority for Energy Services (ERSE) also noted that the deadline for the prohibition to cut the supply of energy to consumers in a situation of unemployment, loss of income or infection by COVID-19-19 ends on 30 September, but consumers can ask your provider for a payment plan of up to 12 monthly installments, without interest, with a minimum of five euros and correct the last installment.

Green receipts have until today to request support from previous months

Self-employed workers and managing partners who have not requested Social Security support related to the pandemic of COVID-19-19 because did not meet the requirementsmay doalso until this Wednesday.

Support has been in place since Marchbut have undergone several changesmeanwhile, having spread to a greater number of situations, this extraordinary period of orders relative to previous months.

No case two managing partners, initially it was planned to support companies in crisis with billing up to 60 thousand euros, and this limit was later extended to 80 thousand euros and, later, with the Supplementary Budget, which came into force on July, that limit has dropped, now there is only one billing at least 40% in these situations.

The extension comes into force on the 13 March, so now the managing partners may request the support of Social Security.

The value of the support was also increased with a proposal from the PSD Supplementary Budget and now corresponds to the amount of the remuneration registered as a tax base when it is less than 1.5 Indexing Social Support (658.22 euros).

In cases where the remuneration registered is equal to or greater than 658.22 euros, the support corresponds to two thirds of the remuneration, with a limit of three minimum wages (1,905 euros).

Support to reduce exercise It also began to include the self-employed under the salaried system and that they do not receive in this regime a value higher than a NIC (438.81 euros), and that they are not pensioners.

The self-employed are entitled to a maintenance between 219.41 euros and 635 euros.

Workers covered exclusively by the self-employed regime can now ask for support for the months of March a August. In turn, freelancers who are also covered by the employee scheme can request support to May a August.

The extraordinary measure to encourage exercise professional, which has been extended to the self-employed exempt from contributions, has a maximum limit of 50% of the IAS (219.41 euros).

The measure is granted for one month, extendable up to three months, ending no later than the December 2020.

Deadline for payment of Additional to IMI ends today

The owners of homes or construction land have until today to pay the Additional Municipal Property Tax (AIMI).

Calculated annually by the Tax Authority and customs (AT), or AIMI is based on the tax asset value (VPT) of the buildings listed in the headquarters on 01 janeiro of the year to which the tax refers.

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