Images of the collapse of the Praça de Espanha metro station


A The fall of part of the slab of the subway tunnel on wagons, at the Praça de Espanha station, caused chaos, early Tuesday afternoon, in Lisbon. Following the collapse of the roof of this section, 300 people, who were in the subway, had to be removed from the site, four of whom suffered minor injuries.

The alert to the authorities was given around 2:30 p.m. and several members of the operational staff of the INEM, PSP and the Sapadores Firefighters of Lisbon. A security perimeter was installed and traffic on the Blue Line of the metro was stopped.

Around 4.15 pm, part of the line’s section of circulation was resumed and the Praça de Espanha station will remain closed for one or two days. THE The circulation of the Blue Line will now be between Reboleira and Laranjeiras and Marquês de Pombal to Santa Apolónia, with Carris to guarantee alternative transportation in the area. affected.

According to statements by Carlos Castro, councilor of the Protection Civil Roomtimes Municipal de Lisboa, apparently the incident was due to “a technical error” derived from the works that are being carried out in the Praça de Espanha.

See in the gallery above the images of the theater of operations held today in Praça de Espanha.

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