Always on the defensive … but he ended up giving in! Cristina Ferreira changes scenery after wave of criticism – Nacional


As is your custom, Cristina Ferreira started by belittling the criticism he received in the context of his new TVI program, ‘O Dia de Cristina’. Hundreds of people wrote on social media that the setting was not suitable for the time, it seemed “out of the 80s”, comparing it to a “spaceship” and even the Eurovision scenes. At that moment, Cristina reacted “defensively”, sharing images of the stage still in model. “This is how I saw the scene of Cristina’s Day for the first time. I have not changed a line to Rui Francisco’s drawing. It is everything we imagine. Because television does not have schedules. He has people to do. In the morning, afternoon and evening. Everyone deserves the best. Some said it was more like Eurovision. So wait for the next one, ”she shot on Sunday.

There are all the images of the premiere of ‘Dia de Cristina’!

However, Cristina seems to have finally given in to some of the criticism what do you read. In the second program, this Tuesday, the central globe no longer had the aluminum foil that earned it so much criticism.

“We took out the candy … he died,” he began saying, alive.

“When I saw the first images and we had that aluminum foil, I thought to myself: ‘Okay, they put that paper there to cover the part of the balloon, which is so as not to spoil anything … and no, I was here’. On opening day, we had the paper here, what we really wanted was this beauty“He explained.

Cristina Ferreira’s festive look at the premiere of the new program

Even so, Cristina did not resist in show some sarcasm.

“We especially liked that they made many comparisons of this study of ours and that they even said that it looked like the Eurovision Song Contest. Where have you seen, for a morning and afternoon program, a great study, it seemed rather that we were going to choose the European song here. For today we are going to have a kind of Eurovision ”, he concluded, referring to the different performances that took place during the program.
