Inflexible precarious workers denounce that the tax authorities fined workers who expect extraordinary support with 75 euros – O Jornal Económico


The Tax Administration (TA) is imposing fines of 75 euros on precarious workers who have lost their income and are resorting to the new “Extraordinary support to workers”, Precários Inflexíveis denounces today.

The association said Tuesday that many of these workers informed the association that they were unable to submit the application for support for July, due to the short deadline to submit the application (one week, without notice) and the time it takes to confirm. the reopening of activity.

“As a result of late and inaccurate information released by the Social Security Institute (ISS), many people began to work as self-employed from July, before the time of application, which led TA to consider that there was a delay in ordering and applying blind fines ”, denounces the association.

The organization also adds that many people were also prevented from applying because they could not “open activity on time or because they opened in September, the month in which support forms were finally made available.”

According to the ACP, “after the enormous delay in the application of the measure and the lack of adequate regulation, it was the information from the ISS, two months after the entry into force of the provision, which led the precarious to request the opening of the activity with effect from the previous month, so as not to lose support. The Government is responsible for this situation and must immediately eliminate these fines ”, he argues.

The association points out these difficulties to the “delays and irresponsible management of the Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security in all the application of this extraordinary support”, and adds that “two months after the start of the support period, it has still not been paid . No provision was published or the Ordinance that should regulate the measure, as provided in the article of the Supplementary Budget Law that created the support. These issues add injustice to insufficient and inappropriate support, as we have said since it was passed. At the option of the Government, it excludes many people and does not respond adequately to the urgent situation of those who suffer doubly the effects of the most extreme precariousness, with loss of income and with social vulnerability ”.
