SIC News | Twelve Portuguese schools with covid-19 outbreaks


Twelve Portuguese schools currently have covid-19 outbreaks that cover a total of 78 infected people, the Director General of Health revealed today.

At the press conference to update the information on the infection by the new coronavirus in Portugal, Graça Freitas said that the General Directorate of Health (DGS) has been notified, to date, of 12 outbreaks of covid-19 in schools.

According to the Director General of Health, five schools with outbreaks are located in the North, one in the Center and six in Lisbon and the Tagus Valley.

“In total, in these outbreaks we have 78 people involved with positive cases of SARS-coV-2”Graça Freitas said, clarifying that people who have to be in isolation are not included in these figures.

The director general of Health also said that these data only refer to the outbreaks that have been reported, and an isolated case may have appeared in several schools, which generally come from the community.

Portugal today counts four more deaths related to covid-19 and 425 new cases of infection with the new coronavirus, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Health Directorate.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has registered 1,957 deaths and 74,029 cases of infection, with 24,188 active cases, 184 more than the day before.

The DGS indicates that of the four deaths registered, three occurred in the North and one in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, where the highest number of infections is also found.
