Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenia says it is at war, Azerbaijan wants “historical justice”


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian said Azerbaijan “declared war” on the Armenian people. For his part, the Azerbaijani president says the country will “not give up its land to anyone.” In the early hours of Sunday, violent fighting broke out in the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh region, resulting in several deaths and injuries in both countries.

“The authoritarian regime [azeri] declared war on the Armenian people again, “Pashinian said, in a speech broadcast on Armenian state television. At the time, Pashinian considered that Baku and Yerevan are” on the brink of a great war “, which will have” unpredictable consequences “and that it could extend beyond the Caucasus.

In this regard, the Prime Minister of Armenia also called on the international community to intervene in the conflict and prevent an escalation of hostilities in the region. There are also deaths and injuries among the civilian population. With heavy weapons, the enemy attacks the army positions near Artaj [nome arménio de Nagorno-Karabakh) em todas as direções”, referiu Pashinian.

Na sua intervenção, de sete minutos, o primeiro-ministro arménio disse que o país está “pronto” para um conflito, indicando “ser claro” que o ódio propagado contra os arménios no Azerbaijão “não podia dar outro resultado que não a guerra”.

O chefe do executivo de Erevan explicou ter decretado a lei marcial e a mobilização geral porque o Azerbaijão “pode começar com ações militares em direção à fronteira” com a Arménia e “recorrer a provocações para desestabilizar a situação na região”.

Por sua vez, o presidente do Azerbaijão, Ilham Aliev, afirmou que Baku “não vai entregar as suas terras a ninguém” e garantiu que irá “restaurar a justiça histórica”. “Estamos na nossa terra. Não queremos a dos outros. Mas a nossa não a entregaremos a ninguém”, disse numa intervenção através da Internet no Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas.

Este domingo, mas já num discurso perante a cúpula militar azeri, Aliev insistiu que o conflito no enclave separatista “não pode ter meias soluções”.

“Nunca permitiremos a criação do assim chamado segundo Estado arménio em território do Azerbaijão. E os êxitos [na esfera militar] they are proof of this, “he said, recalling that Nagorno-Karabakh is a” historical issue “for the country.

“I have said it many times and today I repeat it: we must do it in such a way that the Azerbaijani people are satisfied. We must restore historical justice and we must do it to restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,” he said.

Yerevan and Baku accuse each other of having started violent clashes for control of Nagorno-Karabakh, a separatist region of Azerbaijan under Armenian tutelage since the early 1990s.

So far, the toll of fatalities and injuries in Sunday’s fighting remains to be seen, with Baku authorities claiming the death of 16 soldiers and the wounding of more than a hundred Armenian fighters, although the information has not yet been confirmed. . independent source.

For their part, the separatist forces, supported by Armenia, admitted that at least 10 people died, two of them civilians, a woman and a child.

The European Union (EU), the European Council, Russia, France and Germany already regretted the clashes and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities, as well as a return to the negotiating table.
