“The interview with the United States ambassador is a threat and blackmail,” says Marques Mendes – O Jornal Economico


Marques Mendes called “threat” and “blackmail” the interview with the US ambassador, George Glass, to “Expresso” on Saturday. “It is a real insult, a threat and a blackmail. It is unacceptable. It was no longer enough to see Trump’s atrocities from a distance, now we also have to have a mini Trump in Portugal. I must apologize “.

The US ambassador defended that Portugal has to choose between the “economic partner” the United States and China, warning that choosing China on issues such as 5G can have defense consequences.

“The ambassador spoke a lot about US investment in Portugal. At the time of the troika, the Chinese invested heavily in Portugal. At the same time, the Americans, instead of investing, divested as was the case with the Lages base, ”recalled Marques Mendes.

However, the political commentator noted that “the Portuguese authorities must also be very careful about Chinese investments, specifically in the telecommunications area. They invest because they have an economic and financial interest, but not only that, let’s not be naive, they also have political interests to expand their power ”.

Marques Mendes also addressed the issue of European funds from Brussels and how Portugal can apply the 15,000 million euros, highlighting, however, that the “debate in the Assembly of the Republic was simply depressing”.

The commenter also pointed out some areas where the money could be applied. “There is a lack of a rejuvenation program for the Public Administration. He is very old. An early retirement program was a course ”, also leaving the alert on the issue of childhood.

“There is a lack of a program to combat a huge social wound that we have in Portugal, which is child poverty. If we waste this opportunity, no one will forgive us ”, he emphasized.
