Anti-restriction protesters clash with police in London: Observer


Thousands of people demonstrated this Saturday in London against the restrictions imposed in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, clashing with the police, after the police tried to disperse them by verifying the breach of social detachment.

At least three protesters and an agent were rescued by medical teams, according to local media, at the end of a rally that was called in the center of Trafalgar Square in London.

During the protest, there were posters that read “Freedom, instead of fear”, “Where is the pandemic?”, “The media is the virus”, “Covid-1984 ″ We do not consent”.

The majority of the participants in the protest against the ‘new normal’ did not wear masks, which is not mandatory in the UK in areas outside bars and shops.

Demonstrations in the UK do not need to comply with the rule that prevents more than six people from joining, but organizers must communicate a risk plan in advance and social distance between people must always be respected.

In a statement, the London Metropolitan Police assured that the demonstration “did not meet the conditions of the risk plan and was putting people at risk” of contagion.

The authorities asked the protesters to disperse and then a large contingent of policemen moved in the direction of the protest to disperse it, resulting in clashes. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson this week ordered the closure of bars and restaurants starting at 10 p.m. and reinforced the obligation to wear a mask in shops and transport.
