Ana Rita Cavaco’s friend to whom the Order pays 72 thousand euros


Ana Rita Cavaco’s friend to whom the Order pays 72 thousand euros

Ordem dos Enferiros hired Sousa Dias – for 72 thousand euros – to help in the creation of the infirmary.

The president of the Order of Nurses, Ana Rita Cavaco, was one of the surprises in Évora, when she appeared at the Chega congress to ‘greet’ André Ventura, with whom she was a colleague at JSD and PSD.

But Ana Rita Cavaco has another friend in Chega: Tiago Sousa Dias (with whom she has several photos on her Facebook page), a former PSD activist who supported right-wing Rui Rio against Santana Lopes, who became her right-hand man in Aliança and now appears prominently in André Ventura’s new leadership – saying he could nominate him for party secretary general.

According to the Base portal, the Ordem dos Enferiros hired Sousa Dias – for 72 thousand euros – to advise her on the creation of the Nursing office. The award is dated March 3, 2020 and is valid for three years.
