“Despair and tyranny”. Trump does not promise a peaceful transition if he loses the election


Sarah Silbiger / Pool

US President Donald Trump does not promise a peaceful transition to the White House if the November 3 election is lost.

“We will have to see what happens. You know that I vehemently complained about the ballots. And the ballots are a disaster, “said the president of the United States, quoted by Expresso, in reference to voting by mail.

“Get rid of the newsletters and you will have [uma transição] very peaceful … frankly, there will be no transition. There will be a continuation. The newsletters are out of control, ”he continued.

Vote-by-mail ballots, which the president has questioned, will be used in this year’s US presidential elections due to the covid-19 pandemic.

THE FBI rejects Trump accusations about possible ballot fraud.

These statements concern Republicans and Democrats, writes the Diário de Notícias.

The President of the United States Senate, the Republican Mitch McConnell, took to Twitter to assure voters that the winner of the November election will take office as the calendar predicts in early January.

“The winner of the November 3 elections will take office on January 20. There will be an orderly transition, as has been every four years since 1792 ”.

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Lindsey Graham, a close ally of Donald Trump, told US broadcaster Fox News: “I can guarantee it will be peaceful [a transição]. Now, we can have a dispute about who won the election but the court [supremo] Decide and if the Republicans lose, we will accept the result. But we need a court ”.

Trump “is not in North Korea”

Several figures responded this week to Trump’s remarks.

Democrat Hillary Clinton, defeated by Trump in the last presidential election, wrote on Twitter: “Trump’s refusal to commit to the peaceful transfer of power is the behavior of a desperate presumed dictator that would stay in office even if it meant destroying our democracy. It’s pathetic. But since he is the president, we must take the threat seriously, “he wrote, quoted by the newspaper. The Guardian.

Using the same social network, Republican Senator Mitt Romney wrote: “The key to democracy is the peaceful transition of power; without that, there is Belarus ”. For her part, Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Speaker of the United States House, said that it was necessary to remind the US president that “he is not in North Korea, he is not in Turkey, he is not in Russia.”

Heard by the weekly Expresso, the sociologist DaShanne Stokes, considered that this is “the last demonstration of despair and petty tyranny that have characterized Trump’s illegitimate presidency from the beginning. “

“It is no wonder that a criminal president, who regularly abuses power and violates US laws, tries, once again, to stay in power by immoral, unethical, illegal and anti-American means (…) After all, this is one that aided our enemies and called for acts of war against the United States for their own benefit and to enrich themselves. That is the exact definition of treason ”.
