PSP imposes new rules for agent haircuts, beards and tattoos


Police officers who have tattoos with symbols, words or drawings of party, extremist, racist or that incite violence have six months to remove them, according to the new PSP regulations.

In an order last Tuesday from the national director of the PSP, Magina da Silva, to which the Lusa agency had access, tattoos that contain symbols, words or drawings of an extremist party, are “prohibited” in any part of the body. racial character. or that encourage violence ”, which must be removed in 180 days.

The national management of the PSP only allows its agents to have visible tattoos on the arm, above the elbow line and on the feet up to 10 centimeters above the ankle line, while the others, on other parts of the body , must be covered by a uniform or alternative piece. for a neutral colored fitted sleeve or tight pants.

The order states that candidates for the PSP admission contest who have prohibited tattoos will be excluded, except those who express the intention to remove them at the end of the contest.

The rules on correctness, presentation and use of uniforms by police officers also include rules on haircuts and colors, beard and mustache, use of makeup, ornaments such as earrings, threads, bracelets.

In the case of the nails of policewomen, they must be painted in a uniform color and not exceed three millimeters in length and the makeup must be discreet.

Regarding men, the PSP determined that the beard must be cut evenly, without abrupt differences in size throughout its length and that it must not be of sufficient size to be able to grab or pull it, while the mustache must not exceed the length of the beard. the upper lip and tips cannot curve or extend beyond the lower lip.

The new regulation establishes that police officers must present their hair in a “simple and discreet manner” and that hair, when dyed, must have a natural color.

Police officers must have their hair cut above the collar of the shirt, without covering any part of the ear, and the sideburns must be cut in a straight line, not exceeding the limit of the ear.

Police officers cannot use mirrored glasses and the use of personal portable technological equipment, such as mobile phones, is done “for the time strictly necessary and only for urgent matters.”

Since 2008, the new rules on fairness, dress, and uniform have not changed.

These new regulations have already been challenged by the police, and the National Police Union (Sinapol) alleged that this dispatch, transmitted by staff on Thursday, has led to hundreds of complaints protesting its “content, which seriously undermines the rights, freedoms and guarantees of civilians who choose the police profession ”.

Sinapol continues stating that it requested an urgent meeting of the parliamentary commission on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees and formalized a joint complaint from the Ombudsman’s Office, since “serious violations and restrictions of rights, freedoms and guarantees of the healthcare professionals. PSP ”.
