COVID-19. GNR closed a disco with 100 people in Vila Nova de Gaia | GNR


GNR closed, on Wednesday, September 23, a nightclub, which had live music and brought together about 100 people in Canelas, Vila Nova de Gaia, the security force said in a statement.

With the country in a contingency situation, meetings are limited to 10 people, at least until October 14.

GNR clarified, in statements to the PUBLIC, that the social distance was not complied with, among others. To Lusa, a GNR source, she revealed that the dance floor was open, which caused the crowding of a large part of the people on it.

“The 61-year-old owner of the establishment was arrested and charged, and the facts were referred to the Vila Nova de Gaia Justice Court,” the GNR reported in a statement.

The inspection action was aimed at verifying compliance with the regulations related to the covid-19 pandemic and was carried out by the Porto Territorial Command, through the Canelas Territorial Post.

This operation is part of a set of actions carried out by the GNR “at random” since the pandemic began, so that all the rules are complied with, explained the GNR source to the PUBLIC.

With Lusa.
