Family doctor attacked in Almada health center


A family doctor was attacked this Wednesday morning in Almada, at the Santo António y Laranjeiro Health Center, after informing a patient that the consultation she asked to schedule would only take place this Thursday. In response, the woman attacked the doctor with “punches and hair pulling,” which “damaged her glasses,” says the Expresso source from the District Command of the PSP of Setúbal.

The news was initially advanced by Jornal de Notícias (JN), who spoke with the plaintiff, Eugenia Cheptene, who assures that she was not even the family doctor assigned to this particular patient. He told the same newspaper that he felt “stupid” and that he admits the possibility of asking for psychological permission.

To Expresso, the same PSP source tells him that the doctor did not present serious physical injuries and that the aggressor wrote a complaint against the health professional in the Complaint Book when the police arrived at the health unit. “To try to justify the attack, he said that the doctor had insulted him.”

The Setúbal Command official also says that, “as there was no flagrante delicto, the aggressor was not arrested,” and is now subject to a response in court, after the crime has been reported. “It is a public crime, it can range from a fine to three years in prison.”

For JN, the attacked doctor assures that he spent six years in the Castelo Branco Hospital, “where he never” went through an episode of this type.
