The absence of André Ventura prevents the parliamentary discussion on a new audit – O Jornal Economico


One of the items on the agenda planned for the COF was precisely the appreciation of the draft resolution proposed by Chega, presented on September 3, which recommends that the Government consider null the audit carried out by Deloitte on the management acts of BES / Novo Banco . and that determines the performance of a new audit, through the Resolution Fund.

But the lack of attendance from André Ventura prevented the COF deputies from discussing the draft resolution presented by Chega.

André Ventura explained to Jornal Economico that “there was a conference of leaders and I continued to attend the health committee afterwards. It is impossible to be everywhere at the same time ”.

Asked if he will continue to press for a new audit of Novo Banco, André Ventura perpetually replied: “of course.”

Chega also requested that this new audit be carried out “by a competent company for this purpose” and that it be “supervised by independent experts to be defined by Parliament.”

Chega asked the Government to convene representatives of the Resolution Fund and the Insurance and Pension Funds Authority to clarify in Parliament “their participation / knowledge, or not, of the conflict of interest that is occurring in this matter.”

Regarding the declaration of nullity of the Deloitte audit, Chega considered that “the necessary and required criteria of impartiality that are required in this type of work have not been presented” by Deloitte, after a news from Jornal Economico that reported that the sale of GNB Vida (now GammaLife) was advised by Deloitte Spain and later audited by Deloitte Portugal.

Bloco de Esquerda was the first to react to the news, saying that Deloitte’s Novo Banco audit was “mortally wounded” and did not guarantee “seriousness, rigor and independence.”

In the audit report, Deloitte said that “no situation was identified that would prevent or advise the non-acceptance of the work” of analysis of the management acts of BES / Novo Banco between 2000 and 2018 “.

In July, Chega initially proposed a parliamentary investigative commission on the alleged financing of electoral campaigns by BES, and later expanded the scope of the sale of real estate by Novo Banco. BE and the Liberal Initiative have also moved forward with a proposal to create a commission of inquiry at Novo Banco. Also the Social Democratic leader, Rui Rio, said this week, in an interview with SIC Notícias, that he is in favor of the proposal of the commission of investigation of the blockers.

Rui Rio also argued that the Government should authorize a new audit of Novo Banco to be carried out by a public institution, having referred to the Court of Accounts for that purpose.

Likewise, this Wednesday the draft resolution presented by Chega, on September 2, in which he asked the Government to publicly and fully disclose “urgently” the audit carried out by Deloitte of Novo Banco’s activity and the its presentation “full and without cuts” to the Attorney General’s Office for considering that there is “a matter likely to integrate the practice (…) of criminal offenses.”

In the text of the draft resolution, Chega, headed by André Ventura, maintains that “in terms of business partners, credit granting operations, impairments or accumulated losses, there is no justification to maintain substantial parts of this report, at this time, as confidential. or confidential ”.

“In fact, most of these elements and the situations that contextualize them are already known to the Portuguese public, being decisive for the political assessment of the decisions made by the Executive and the technical decisions made by the management of Novo Banco, in both cases subject to scrutiny by the Portuguese people. There does not appear to be any sensitive element that compromises the operations in progress or any aspect of the state secret, ”Chega wrote in the draft resolution.

BE submitted a request requesting immediate and complete public disclosure of the special audit report that Deloitte made on the management acts of BES / Novo Banco, which was disapproved this Wednesday at the COF.

(News update at 1:49 pm with statements from André Ventura to Jornal Economico)
