Special deadline: green receipts can request support from previous months | Social Security


Workers who issue green receipts and other freelancers or members of statutory bodies who have faced a reduction in economic activity in recent months and have not been able to submit the application for Social Security assistance may request it until the end of this month with retroactive effects .

The exception applies both to those who did not apply for help in due time, and to those who were left out because they only became eligible later with the rule change.

The electronic form for these retroactive cases will be available on the Social Security Direct website as of Wednesday (September 23), and it is possible to submit applications until September 30, informs Social Security in a note published on its website.

In addition to covering the beneficiaries of extraordinary aid for the reduction of activity, this new possibility also exists for those who meet the conditions to access the extraordinary measure of incentive to professional activity, an alternative support that was launched to cover the situations of the self-employed who are not covered by that first support (because they were exempt from contributing to Social Security, because they had intermittent contributions that did not add up to the amount required for the initial support or because they started the activity less than 12 months ago).

This exceptional period of candidacies, explains the Social Security, “is intended to give access to these extraordinary supports to the self-employed and / or members of statutory bodies that, affected in their economic activity by the effects of the covid-19 pandemic in periods above, did not submit the respective processes, or did not meet the requirements for submitting the respective requests.

The public institute clarifies that individual entrepreneurs “must formalize their candidacies by accessing the option of independent workers.”

In addition to this retroactive request deadline, the regular support request deadlines continue to run in parallel. Anyone who continues to face a billing drop of 40% or more this September can apply for help for this month between October 1 and 10.

Some self-employed have already exhausted access to that first aid from Social Security – because, as it lasts a maximum of six months, people who started receiving aid from the beginning (in relation to the March break) and continued to receive it consecutively in the following months, he completed those six months in August (request requested in September).

But, if they continue to face failures, they can access another measure, called “extraordinary support for workers”, which is aimed at workers in situations of social vulnerability who cannot access the social support created in the context of the pandemic.

The application deadline for the month of September is the same as for the first support, that is, the application must be submitted between October 1 and 10.

Despite being a different support, the objective is the same: to help cushion the reduction in activity. In this case, it is aid with a fixed amount of 438.81 euros (equivalent to a Social Support Index).

In any case, those who have not yet completed six months can request access to this first support, whose value is variable and can reach up to 438.81 euros or 635 euros, depending on the level of income.

In situations in which a worker who requests extraordinary help to reduce economic activity is receiving a value lower than that resulting from the new measure (“extraordinary help to workers”), they may receive a fixed amount of 438.81 euros , since the law provides that the new benefit is attributed as an “alternative to extraordinary support” when its value is lower. However, this is not an automatic process.

In August, when asked if Social Security would tacitly apply the amount of 438.81 euros or if the person would have to request this alternative, the office of the Minister of Labor, Ana Mendes Godinho, responded to the PUBLIC that “this new support need request “.

At the moment, there are four measures aimed at workers with green receipts, unprotected entrepreneurs, self-employed and self-employed. In addition to supporting the reduction of economic activity and the new measure that is an extension of it (the so-called “extraordinary support for workers”), there is such an “extraordinary measure to encourage professional activity” for the self-employed who could not enter the first and other support called “framing situations of social vulnerability”, for people who are not necessarily covered by a social security scheme and who declare the start or restart of autonomous activity before the tax authorities.

The self-employed regime covers, for example, those who issue green receipts for the services rendered, those who have commercial and industrial professional activity, individual entrepreneurs with income from commercial and industrial activity, owners of individual establishments with limited liability or producers. agricultural holdings.
