Five infected students from schools in the Leiria region


A The Public Health coordinator of the Pinhal Litoral Health Center Group, Odete Mendes, confirmed that a positive case was registered in the Professional School of Leiria.

“In the classroom context, in that class there were no risky contacts between students or teachers. But in the social context, there were nine high-risk contacts, since the young people were in a closed space without a mask, so they were placed in isolation prophylactic“said Odete Mendes.

At the Escola Básica 2, 3 D. Dinis, in Leiria, the Parents Association announced that a student tested positive, having taken the health authority to put three students in isolation, said Odete Mendes.

The Polytechnic of Leiria confirmed the existence of two positive cases: one in the School of Technology and Management, in Leiria, and another in the School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea, in Peniche.

“Two weeks after the start of classes, we have the confirmation of two positive cases of COVID-19-19. These are two students who acted in accordance with the guidelines of the Leiria Polytechnic: when presenting symptoms, they immediately contacted the health authorities, not having returned to the respective the schools, being isolated ”, said the president of the Polytechnic, Rui Pedrosa.

According to Rui Pedrosa, the health authorities are “closely and continuously monitoring these situations.”

“The Leiria Polytechnic and its schools are acting in accordance with all the guidelines of the Address-General of Health, specifically, in relation to the exchange of information on possible contagion networks. In this context, one of the classes was prophylactic at home in isolation for two weeks, taking distance classesncia“Said Rui Pedrosa, highlighting that” possible transmission chains are identified. “

On Thursday, a student from the Afonso Lopes Vieira Institute, in Leiria, disrespected isolation prophylactic suggested by the health authority and attended the presentation of the year academic, while waiting for the test result.

“This student was in class and still went to the ‘mall’ with friends. In a school context, social distance was sufficient and they always wore a mask. By identifying colleagues who could be classified as higher risk, we put four in isolation prophylactic“said Odete Mendes.

In the social context, the doctor said that the young man had three more friends, one of them from another school in Leiria. “They spent more than 45 minutes without a mask at lunch, so they were also isolated prophylactic. “

Odete Mendes explained that whenever there is a positive case a risk assessment is carried out.

The health delegate also assured that “there will never be a whole class to quarantine”, unless “there are many infected“.

“This context is lived with great concern and tranquility. We hope that students, parents and relatives will follow the guidelines of the health authorities. Possibly there will be more cases, but if communication is fast, there is ventilation, distance and use of masks in the school, the risk is reduced, “he added.

Portugal accounts for at least 1,920 deaths associated with COVID-19-19 out of 69,200 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest Address-General health.

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