Four students test positive for Covid-19 in schools in Leiria – Leiria Region


Two students from the Polytechnic of Leiria (IPLeiria), a student from EB D. Dinis and a student from Afonso Lopes Vieira High School tested positive for the new coronavirus last week.

One of the cases was reported at the School of Technology and Management (ESTG) in Leiria and another at the School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea (ESTM) in Peniche, both schools of IPLeiria.

According to Rui Pedrosa, president of the institution, the two students “acted according to the guidelines of the Polytechnic”, having contacted the health authorities when the symptoms appeared.

The students, who “carried out the diagnostic test for Covid-19 as indicated by the health authority”, did not return to their schools, “having been in isolation,” the official told REGIÃO DE LEIRIA today, adding that these two cases are be monitored “completely and continuously” by the health authorities.

One of the classes – which REGIÃO DE LEIRIA found to be from the ESTG Computer Engineering course – “was prophylactically at home in isolation for two weeks, beginning to take distance classes.”

“The Polytechnic of Leiria and its schools are acting in accordance with all the guidelines of the Directorate General of Health, that is, with regard to the exchange of information on possible contagion networks, as well as in the application of the measures defined by the health authority ”, also notes the president of IPLeiria.

Rui Pedrosa highlights that “the transmission chains are identified and are acting in accordance with the established contingency plan” and “in strict compliance with the instructions of the health authorities.”

Emphasizing that “there is no zero risk”, the president of the institution highlights, on the other hand, the “great investment” made in the preparation of the school year, “to minimize the risk of spreading the Covid-19 disease.”

“The beginning of the school year progresses with normality and tranquility in this new context in which we live and in accordance with what is foreseeable”, emphasizes Rui Pedrosa, highlighting “the clear perception” of the academic community “of the importance of compliance with the norms of respect for others and the commitment to guarantee public health, so that the teaching activity is developed in person, complemented with distance education ”.

Positive case in EB D. Dinis

However, the direction of the Agrupamento de Escolas D. Dinis reported on Sunday, in a statement published on its website, of a positive diagnosis of Covid-19 among EB D. Dinis students, in Leiria.

Noting that all the procedures recommended by the health authorities have been carried out, the management adds that “the students who were considered necessary were confined.”

D. Dinis management informed the school community through a statement

“For the rest of the school’s students, all teaching activities will continue to develop as planned,” he adds, reinforcing the call to the entire school community for compliance with hygiene, safety and social distance rules.

“We remember that the entire educational community must be responsible. If you have symptoms, or have lived with someone who has tested positive, you should not attend school, but you must contact the health authorities and inform the school / educational establishment, through the respective group / class holder or class director, if possible ”, he concludes.

Positive case in ESALV motivated complaint to PSP

The detection of a case of contagion at the Afonso Lopes Vieira Secondary School (ESALV), Marrazes e Barosa parish, triggered a wide controversy last week, because a student went to school waiting for the result of the Covid-19 test. The father had tested positive, the mother was in isolation, and the student was also forced into prophylactic isolation.

ESALV student went to school on the first day of classes despite waiting for the test result

Even so, on Wednesday, on the first day of classes, the young man, a student of a professional course, was in a room with 17 classmates and several teachers, without informing the address, reported Jornal de Leiria.

Director Celeste Frazão reported the situation to the PSP after being informed by the Health Authority of the existence of this positive case.

“It is a great irresponsibility on the part of parents. We are reinventing ourselves. We strive to create the best health safety conditions for students and there cannot be an attitude that puts the entire community at risk, ”Celeste Frazão told JL.

After being at school, the student went to lunch with two classmates from another class and with a friend from the Francisco Secundária School.

After the complaint of the ESALV management, the PSP of Leiria collected “all the necessary data to report the facts to the Public Ministry, due to the existence of indications of violation of the provisions of article 2 (mandatory internment) of the contingency situation regime , attached to Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 70-A / 2020 ”.

In response to the LEIRIA REGION, the PSP adds that “it will continue to monitor the situation, through the Escola Segura Program Teams, in conjunction with the local health authority and the educational establishment.”
